There are advantages to driving a nice car

As long as it’s under warranty!

The most Obvious is that hey, It’s a nice car…

When you have it in for service you usually get a nice loaner. 

If something goes wrong with the service… You get to keep the nice loaner until they get yours sorted out. It’s no big deal unless you happen to be in the middle of a move. Then things get dicy. 

That’s the situation I found myself in. My car needed a software update. Apparently, that didn’t go so well. The irony isn’t lost on me, since software has been my bread & butter for a long time.If anyone is going to have something go wrong during a software update it’s me.

The dealership told me they’d need my car for another day, they apologized and said they hoped this wouldn’t be an inconvenience.  Normally it wouldn’t be. But I told them that I’d planned to make a run with some moving boxes up to my house a hundred miles away and now my schedule would be thrown off. Bingo! No more milage limitation, and the loaner has greater cargo capacity, so I loaded it up.

BoxesI’ve got most of the small goods out of the apartment now. Yippee! What’s left at the apartment can end up in a storage container in the storage unit until I decide what to do next.

The obvious exceptions would be kitchen & bathroom items (very few), the bedding, the TV and some small electronic items. 

Now… to find an inexpensive storage facility. That’s proving to be a challenge, some of these storage units could easily be livable. A/C, convenient bathroom, security, and most of all, peace and quiet. If I was willing to pay for it, I could have a place nice enough to use as a place to do some writing. My computer battery will last 10 hours and God knows, there’d be few distractions.

Coffee would be a problem though.

I don’t need all that, I just need a place to store furniture and two small appliances.

That’s my mission today, secure storage and then down to the apartment and probably picking up the car. Then tossing more un-necessary stuff out of the apartment. After that it’s reserving a truck and scheduling the move. If I do this right I’ll be able to leave and never look back.

There’s something comforting about that.

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