Oh for God’s Sake! This shit has got to stop!

I swear, it seems like the asses in New York are splashing gasoline around then playing with matches.

Now the Judge in one of the what? 100 cases against Trump claims he may impose more fines and put Trump in the clink for 30 days for violating a Gag order that frankly I think is questionable in the first place.

These judges placing gag orders on a defendant in cases which seem sketchy at best suggests to me that whatever they’re doing in those courts, it’s not above board.

Moreover, it makes New York City, (already a shitty place in my book, been there a couple of times and wasn’t impressed,) look like what it is. A shit hole of a city that makes the dystopian movie Escape from New York, look like a good day. 

Well at least they’re finally being truthful about how shitty New York City really is.

Juan Merchan Trump trial 640x480.I no longer give a wet runny shit about Trump, the lawsuits, if Trump did anything wrong, if the City of New York is right, the Judges, the Colleges, or in fact any aspect of New York City.

Honestly, If the entire city was destroyed by terrorists, a meteor, a solar flare, flood, earthquake, or a plague of locusts. I wouldn’t give a fuck.

I officially hate New York City, and everything that New York State has to offer.

When you look at the absolute scum New York has sent to Congress it’s arguable that a good part of this country’s problems start with New York, and the cherry on top of our fucked up Congress are the scum bag politicians from California.

I feel like I’m being assaulted every fucking day with this bullshit!

Sorry… I got into the car this morning to run an errand and it was the top of the hour so I got to listen to all the news on the radio.

I’d be inclined right now to vote for Trump just to give the middle finger to every damned progressive politician. If Trump were to win, I’d be laughing my ass off sending letters to every member of congress that said, “You’re FUCKED Now!!! HAHAHAHAH”

Especially if Trump immediately declared martial law and started arresting members of Congress on suspicion of sedition and corruption. I know that will never happen. Even if Trump were to win, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will change.  Hell, Let him be a fucking dictator! Still nothing would change. Because Trump would be hampered by his belief that the constitution, bill of rights, and the Law itself still mattered. None of that is true. The Communist scumbags have won. 

Hell, Let me be der führer! You want this shit cleaned up? I’m the man for the job. No Mercy! I’ll come up with Operation Bug Bomb and the follow on, Operation Roach Motel in a week.

I can promise two absolutes. 1) You’re not going to like my methods. 2) There will be an end to the bullshit. Even if I have to make a desert and call it peace.

There’s no way in hell I’d get elected to the office of Official Toilet Plunger, so everyone is safe.

We live in a dying Republic. It’s been dying for at least 20 years. Unfortunately, I think this is the end of our founding fathers grand experiment. They weren’t sure it would work, perhaps they’d be impressed that we had as good a run as we did. I forget which one said, “We’ve given you a Democratic Republic if you can hold onto it.” 

Well it’s slipped through our fingers. I’m sad, angry, outraged, and feel some responsibility too.

I’m probably an outlier.

This incessant shit is really starting to damage my calm!

Congress JUST DO IT! Just tell us we’re fucked. We’re property of the state. That we have no rights but those graciously given to us by our generous overlords. Then you can sell our asses to China, or the Tech Companies, Big Pharma, or whoever else is pulling your strings. Just stop the cognitive dissonance! It really hurts!

Here’s a plan. Arrest Trump and all his children. Put them all in Gitmo. Abolish the House, Senate, Elections, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and burn the Declaration of Independence. Declare Biden dictator for life or better yet King.

Then you don’t have to worry about those messy elections and Hunter Biden would become Prince Biden. Whichever politicians made it to The Court of King Biden would have access to all the wealth a captive slave labor force could produce. Between the flood of illegal immigrants and the existing citizens y’all could probably strip-mine the entire continent in 30 years. I’m sure when Hunter became King, he’d be more than willing to hand out money and lands based on how well members of the court sucked his cock!

God! I try so hard to avoid the news. I’ve got subscriptions to Apple News, and other News sources that I haven’t opened in months. That’s for my protection. When I hear or read the latest insults to my intelligence and / or my dying belief in our Constitutional Republic I am simultaneously thrown into a rage and black despair.

I’ll be fine, I’ll calm down and get back to some semblance of being numb to all this insanity. At least until the next invasive news article or one of the morons in power manages to strike a match that sets fire to a full blown revolution, insurrection, civil war… whatever. I don’t know what the trigger event is going to be, but I think eventually some asshole politician will do something that cannot be ignored, and the survivors will long for the riots from the “Summer of Love”

It’s time for me to go for a walk, clear my head and do something constructive.

Ahhh Twatter, you’re back!

X formerly known as Twitter has reinstated its Deadnaming and misgendering protections.


Twatter is back. Yippee!

In case you’ve not been following along, and why the fuck should you have been?

Deadnaming is calling someone by their previous gender’s name. 

So if Cecil became Cecelia (even if only for a day) and now runs around with nail polish, a beard, garish clown makeup, in a pink tutu, a dirty wife beater, showing his/her/its gorilla-like body hair. And you call she/he/it “Cecil” on Twatter you’ll get in trouble.

I’m in favor of always listing the transgenders as she/he/it in that order because if you say it fast…

Did you get it??

You’ll actually accurately describe the stupid fuckers that have overly complicated everyone’s lives. There are real transgender folks out there, to them I sincerely apologize, 

The attention seeking trans/non-binary/2 spirited/ whatever the fuck else these gender confused idiots are calling themselves these days can literally go fuck off.

I’m speaking to them/they/zim/zer… The loads their daddies should have jacked into a really filthy cum rag… I believe the rest of my brothers and sisters in the LGB community. As well as the straight folks have had quite enough of your bullshit!

We used to call you all deranged. 

“God how I miss that simpler life… “

Honestly, we didn’t care that you were deranged. You could live your lives as you saw fit and when y’all hauled your skanky asses out into the sunlight for a pride parade, the rest of us politely didn’t laugh and point derisively. We let y’all have your fun. We were annoyed that you were always the ones the news media focused on and the Anita Bryant’s of the country pointed to, as reason enough to hate the gays.

Y’all made our fight for equality tougher but we fought on, and won. We even carried your basement dwelling freaky asses forward with us.

But you’ve all gone way too damned far.

I will not comply with your ever changing demands to use some made up, unpronounceable, “pronoun”.  Go Fuck Yourself.

I will not worry about “Deadnaming” you. If I know you as Bob, I’ not going to call you Citronella-Dawn. Go Fuck Yourself.

I personally am sick and tired of hearing of your struggles and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you usurp my history. You have pissed me off and alienated me 100% by rewriting history. The history of Stonewall, the history of our fight for equality, the history of being LGB. 

According to people who were actually AT STONEWALL, no one knows who threw the first brick. What we do know is that it was the moment we stood together to say, “STOP! You may arrest us, but you can not erase us. We are here, we have always been here. You no longer have our permission to abuse us because you’re bored on a Saturday night.”

I’m paraphrasing.

Just because we don’t know who’s hand threw that brick doesn’t mean that YOU Alphabet nut jobs get to commandeer our history. You don’t get to claim all the LGB struggles as your own.


Crying tranny.And frankly, that’s exactly what it feels like.

You bitch about the wrong pronouns, you whine that Gay men don’t want to sleep with you because you’ve got a vagina, you say straight men should sleep with you regardless of what you have,  vagina or penis. You expect the entire rest of the world to engage with your delusion without question. 

When any of us express our sexual preferences that don’t include sleeping with a person whose body isn’t our cup of tea, you scream transphobe. Then you try to make us feel guilty about how our sexuality expresses itself. All the while telling everyone, whether they’re interested or not, how your sexuality expresses itself. Newsflash, nobody would give a shit except that you keep shoving it down our throats. 

You’ve invaded gay spaces & even apps, trying to negate our ability to find what we desire. You’ve even made it “BAD” for us to reject you. We’re not rejecting you as a person, we’re rejecting you as a sex partner. You’re not what fires our rockets. There are some guys who are into it, but if the majority of gay men reject you because you have a vagina that’s not a crime and you have no right to make us feel bad about what excites us.

The FTM transgenders seem to have the hardest time getting it. For a lot of gay men, a vagina is a boner killer, and contrary to popular belief men aren’t just living dildos, always able to get hard at the drop of a hat.

Let’s face it, a lot of gay men are handsome, they’re often successful and pretty well educated. Has it ever crossed any FTM transgender’s mind that a lot of gay men could have literally any woman they wanted?

Some gay men are so handsome they could probably walk into a straight bar, walk up to any woman, and ask, “wanna fuck?” Then walk out woman in hand 4 minutes later. Some of these guys probably wouldn’t have to bother with a hotel or going anywhere but the parking lot. 

So given that reality, it’s obvious that a gay guy wants dick. Therefore he’s not going to be interested in a “Dude” with a vagina.

I really don’t get some of the FTM transgenders. If you’re only looking for dick, you don’t need to have surgery and take drugs.

Buy a nice dress, learn how to apply makeup, then go out with your friends to a bar. Be willing to look at men who aren’t 10s driving Porsches.

Look at the guy with a less Dunn & Bradstreet eye. Is he fun, does he laugh easily, does he dance like no-one is looking? If more women looked at men as nice guys, and fun to be with instead of a payday. I’m betting men and women would be a lot happier.

It seems a lot of the transgenders have partnered with insane liberal women suffering from Münchausen syndrome to literally erase Gay Men and Lesbian Women. 

What else would you call it? A boy says he feels like a girl and suddenly he’s on all kinds of hormone and puberty blockers. A girl says she feels like a boy or wishes she was a boy, and it’s the same. Surgeries are scheduled as soon as possible.

Guess what? The end result is there will be no boys who want to suck cock and no girls that want to lick a clit. There will only be boys and girls.

The transgenders are always speaking of transgender genocide. While at the same time assisting in the commission of Gay and Lesbian genocide. Do they hear themselves?

Now, they’ve re-conquered Twitter. 

Now, they can’t be insulted or have their feelings hurt, by someone with a different opinion. Their victimhood is complete, built upon the backs of everyone else. Now, no one has the right to speak without fear.

None of what I’ve written here could be published on Twatter. It would hurt the little Transgenders feelings. I’d be banned for hate speech. Hey snowflakes… This isn’t hate speech. This is angry speech

I left Twatter years ago over this kind of censorship. I returned to Twatter because I was assured freedom of speech and opinion were again the highest principals. 

If this is not true, then I can leave again. In the short time I’ve been on X/Twitter (Twatter) I’ve run across a lot of men that are like me. Most of them are too young to be dating material for an old fossil like myself, but they’re decent guys, conservative, and I’ve enjoyed reading their posts.

I’d miss access to them, but leaving X/Twitter would still be easy at this point.

Oh, one more thing…

Put the fucking urinals back in the damn public restrooms!!!!

God, Please force them to speak the truth.

I’m tired of the gaslighting. I’m tired of the spin. I’m tired of the lies and half truths. I’m tired of the “Revelations” and “New Information” that is actually old stuff that we all knew, or suspected that was denied, or swept under the carpet.

I pray to God that for one week no one could lie.

It might get us into World War III but damn it would be so refreshing to hear nothing but truth.

For three years we’ve been told the Border is Secure. We all knew it wasn’t. Now suddenly Biden and Mayorkas say the border isn’t secure and it’s the Republicans or Trumps fault.

WHAT THE FUCK? So for the past three years while you assholes had control and Donald Fucking Trump didn’t have control of anything in the government, the border was secure? Well assholes, Trump still has no control over anything in the government so what’s changed? 

Nothing! You’re just admitting what the whole fucking country has known all along. You’re only admitting it now because it’s an election year and you see the handwriting on the wall.

A lot of the American public would probably be just fine with putting you all on trial for treason. If found guilty, the summary executions on the capital steps would probably make a fortune on pay per view.

But now, it’s too late. The damage is done the FBI is telling us that something akin to 9/11 isn’t just possible it’s probable. It’s only a matter of when some terrorist group or groups decide to start setting off bombs, or flying planes into building, or shooting up large gatherings, or blowing up school busses. 

Now, the only way to deal with the problem is to deport every single illegal immigrant without mercy. Oh and their anchor babies too. That necessity will degrade the quality of life for all Americans. We’ll have to have our papers, and present them on demand to every law enforcement officer we encounter. Talk about destruction of the American way of life!

No matter what happens in the upcoming election. Whoever or whatever was running the Biden Administration will have succeeded in destroying this country.

But remember… There wasn’t any border crisis for the past three years. Biden, Mayorkas, Jean-Pierre, and the talking heads on the news told us so. This crisis? Well Trump did it!

Joe Biden according to a Federal Prosecutor shouldn’t be tired for mishandling classified documents because he’s a kind old elderly man with memory issues.

Karine Jean-Pierre says the same week that Joe Biden is fit and does more in an hour than most people do in a day. So which is it?

I’ll choose to believe my lying eyes. Joe Biden is unfit for office. It’s obvious, it’s been obvious from the start and I’ll never understand how he got elected in the first place. I’m no fan of Donald Trump. But DAMN! I’ll take Donald Trump over an empty sock puppet, any day of the week.

The media telling us that everything is fine. The economy is doing well, prices are falling, and if you’re not seeing this golden age you’re obviously a MAGA White Supremacist.

Or that shoveling another trillion dollars into the burn pit called Ukraine and funding Hamas in the name of humanitarian aid while providing Israel weapon systems is right and just. Why do journalists never question that Egypt will not accept Palestinian refugees nor will any other middle eastern country. And how is it in any way Humane for us to be prolonging a war that Hamas started, by supporting both sides?

Typically if an arms dealer does that kind of thing, they’re killed or end up in international court for committing war crimes.

Blaring from outlets and protestors 24/7 is the accepted illogical “fact”; Men can become women, Woman can become men and subsequently “Birthing Persons” but they’re still men. Binary gender is wrong, gender fluid is right. If you go on a date, decide to hop in the sack and find that the entity you’ve brought home does not have expected equipment, you’re supposed to suck it up and make do. Even though you’re not going to be emotionally or sexually satisfied. It’s impolite to say you don’t like Bait and Switch.

It’s not just the politicians, or the media, or even the insanity of society at large.  It’s the SPAM inundating my email, and my mail box.

“Your account is locked… We’ve been trying to reach you.”
“Here is the information you requested from <Insert Name Here>”
“Your package delivery has been suspended…”

It’s the bullshit text messages

Hi Bob, hey I enjoyed our date last night
I’m not Bob, and we didn’t have a date last night
Oh I’m sorry to bother you. You seem kind, would you like to date me?
What about Bob? I’m a Bros before hoes kind of guy. You’re sure acting like a ho.
You’re very mean you should be reported to the police, I’ll say you raped me. Send me 5000.00 in bitcoin and I won’t report you…

And let’s not forget the phone calls.

Hello there you qualify for an electrical service discount.”
Oh really? Since the solar panels on my roof pay for my electrical service are you saying that if I sign up you’re going to pay me more every month based on the KWH I sell back the the electrical grid?”
Well someone in your household contacted us.”
Doubtful unless you’re using a Ouija Board

For someone like me, this kind of crap is literally painful. It’s like having a constant buzzing in your ear that you can’t get away from. It takes cycles out of my brain and sucks up time because I can’t believe what I’m hearing and l have to get to the bottom of it.

The Cognitive Dissonance all this causes is damaging. There have been some studies that suggest continued exposure to Cognitive Dissonance can in fact cause psychological damage.

You can’t turn it off. There is no escape. The constant crashing of lies, insanity, and stupidity is everywhere. From inside your home to screens blaring on top of the gas pump.

It’s no wonder people in this county are medicating themselves into numbness. With drugs(legal and illegal), alcohol, food, or staying in their parents basements looking for the next masturbatory VR thrill. Honestly, I’m not sure I blame them.

What I want is for truth to be normal again. I’m not sure it ever was. 

Failing that, I want to sue the Federal government for creating an unhealthy living environment for me and millions of other people due to their chronic lies.

Obviously I’d like a shit ton of money. But I’d settle for every member of our government having to wear shock pants that were lie detectors.

Shock Pants were created by Scott Adams in the Dilbert comic strip and also appeared in the Dilbert TV series. I’m not sure which appearance came first.

I’d love to watch Joe Biden or Mayorkas or Karine Jean-Pierre or Donald Trump, fry their private parts with Shock Pants or simply tell the truth.

Their choice.