Day one of unemployment


I slept more normal hours. I’d taken a nap for much of the afternoon yesterday, mostly from exhaustion so my sleep schedule is still screwed up. 

I woke up at the usual 3 am a habit built on 3 years of early rising  then wandered around a bit and forced myself to go back to bed. So I racked up a grand total of 6 hours sleep last night. I’m feeling much better, and more like a human being today.

I’m going to move slowly today. One of the biggest things about the previous job was the feeling that I was always on the clock even when I wasn’t,  It’s illustrated itself in eating meals fast and always feeling like there was a schedule I had to keep.

For at least the next few days I’m keeping to my own schedule as far as I can and will try not to act like there’s a ticking clock or doom hovering over my head all the time.

These next few days are mine.

I’ve claimed them and while there are things I want and need to do. I’m doing them in my own time the way I see fit. So I’m not being antisocial, or lazy, or whatever if I don’t respond instantly to you. I’m just reclaiming some little bit of peace.