9 Hours of sleep

That was different.

9 Hours, dreamless, uninterrupted sleep.That’s some kind of record for me, at least over the past few years.

I went to bed last night feeling poorly; something sinusy… I was expecting to be up & down all night but as it turned out being asleep was apparently what I needed once my body turned off it stayed off. Nice change!

DistractionsJust got up, trying to decide what to do today. I need to keep sorting and tossing junk but I’m honestly not much up for it. 

It’s been just about a week since the move was finished. I haven’t accomplished nearly what I wanted to and I’ve got to press on. That doesn’t imply that my heart is in it. 

I’m thinking I might be a little depressed, there are many tasks and each is daunting. I’m having trouble just choosing one to execute on. It’s easier for me to lose myself in little distractions, rather than chip away at the bigger tasks.

Well, off to attempt to get something accomplished.