Well, I’m sold on USB-C

I like the connector, and I like the speed.

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 10 04 29 PMI just transferred 44.5 GB to my zippy new 4 TB drive in about 10 minutes. Don’t know exactly but I was surprised with the “Ding” that said everything was finished.

I had a 3 TB drive that died a couple of years ago. I didn’t replace it because I never got around to it. This one is fast and it’s quiet.

I like keeping local backups of documents and photos just because in the event of one of the primary backups failing, I still have the ability to reconstruct my computer. It was that redundancy that allowed me to bring this new computer up even with partially corrupted backups.

This little device is a WD. It’s a tiny little thing not solid state but cheap rotational storage is a good thing.

I had to get out of the house today. I had no plans other than to check the pricing of phones (for the other half) Best Buy’s price was discounted but Apple Refurb has better pricing and the phone is backed directly by Apple.

I think that’s where the purchase will be made.

However, always a shopper I saw the drive sitting on the shelf for $100 and thought, “Huh, that works for me.”

So I’m transferring stuff to it as fast as my evil little fingers will allow.

I did a few of my favorite things today. Saw a different view, washed & dried the car by hand, shopped a bit. There are some other things I’d like to have done, but I’m saving that for another day.