Time to start scanning and shredding

Finally getting through the mess in my office.

Stacks of paperBelieve me, it’s a mess! Lots of mail that I just didn’t have time to deal with over the past 3 years. Most of it is shreddable without spending too much time on it. Some of it though is stuff that needs to be really paid attention to or stored.

On the plus side I can play music or watch some of the porn collection while I’m doing this mostly mindless task. Scanning is slow and tedious. Statements and stuff like that isn’t printed in a way that makes for easy conversion to digital storage methods.

But the tedious task is worthwhile because I can reduce the clutter in the office and make things easier for me to concentrate on the things that I need to get taken care of. 

You know, minor things like Job searching, writing and other projects that I want to do. Plus, right now if I were to try to do a video interview I couldn’t because there’s no “Professional” background that doesn’t look like a hoarders home.

So the music or porn keeps me entertained without focusing my entire attentions like a movie would. After all you pretty much know what happening in a porn movie. Most of them aren’t long on plot even if they’re unbelievably long in other ways.