On Palestinian Refugees…

No Thanks!

We already have a Palestinian!Talib

This one is quite enough.

If Egypt refuses to allow Palestinians into their country, there’s a reason.

Could it be that Egypt knows that the majority of the Palestinians are radicalized and will probably launch attacks on Israel from their soil?

Could the Egyptians be smart enough to realize that they don’t want to give Israel any reason to attack them? Egypt and Israel have had wars, so it’s not that the Egyptians are all that worried about it, but maybe they’re not ready to engage in war again. Maybe they like peace more than they want to destroy Israel.

It doesn’t matter why… What matters is that Egypt knows something about the Palestinians and consider it too high a risk, or too many mouths to feed.

Now that it’s come out some of the missiles the Palestinians fired into Israel were made from water pipes that Israel gave to the Palestinians to irrigate their fields. I personally am suspicious of everything the Palestinians say. That goes for any Palestinian anywhere.

Obviously Hamas had help, while not every Palestinian is a fighter in Hamas… It’s clear a substantial number of them were helping Hamas.

By the way, this occupation narrative where people say Israel was occupying Gaza… It’s bullshit! The Israeli settlers left a long assed time ago. They left fields, greenhouses, and infrastructure.

The Palestinians and Hamas chose to do some seriously fucked up shit because like many parasites they always want more and will continue taking more and more until they’ve destroyed their benefactor.

The Palestinians and Hamas could have turned Gaza into a fantastic tourist destination with a booming economy. They could have fed and educated their population. They could have become a 21st success. Israel would have helped them do it!

The Israelis would have loved to have a stable, peaceful, productive, Gaza.

But Palestinians chose flat out evil. They chose to leave their people hungry, thirsty, and destitute. Hamas chose to use their people as human shields.

I’m pretty damn sure a martyr for Allah would choose to be alive instead of blown to bits for a cause they weren’t sure they supported, instigated by a bunch of assholes living it up in Qatar on money that could have been used to improve living conditions in Palestinian lands.

With that kind of mentality, we don’t need any Palestinian refugees at all! Hell, we don’t know who’s in our country right now, we don’t need to add any more assholes to the mix.

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