Time to get a chorein

HoarderGotta run errands, and then come home to keep sifting through the accumulation of crap.

Yeah, we all accumulate crap, and if it’s allowed to accumulate for 34 years, (Even after a fire…) well there’s a lot! I’ve been at this for 6 months now!

Before anyone gets judgey, I want you all to open that closet that you don’t use much. You know, the one in the spare room that’s the sewing / workout room. That closet that is behind the disused Peloton currently acting as a clothes rack. 

Go on, open it. Now look at the shelf and tell me you don’t have just as much crap as I do! If you don’t have closets that aren’t used much, go to your garage, basement, or your attic, and tell me you’re not accumulating stuff.

Uh huh. 

My place isn’t actually as bad as the photo, but there are times when I feel like it is!

Part of the issue is / has been that we were trying to do the right thing and properly dispose of stuff. Electronics to the E-Waste place, paper and plastic in the recycle bin except the plastic that can’t be recycled, then it’s figuring out what can and can’t go in which bin. Some metals can go in the recycle bin other can’t and to be really honest it’s all a pain in the ass!

So much so that the other half and I would come home tired, hungry, and wouldn’t want to take the 2 minutes to determine what went where. So shit would end up on any flat surface and we’d say we’ll get back to it. Uh NOPE!

Thus began the piles. 

The other half was always busy. There was always the next event to dash off to. I had more time but having to schedule a day to deal with loading the car up with e-waste then sitting in line to dispose of the shit and wondering if I’d destroyed all the data on any storage device is daunting!

All I wanted to do was get rid of some electronics, I don’t want to have the third degree going into the place, I don’t want to have to blow 1/2 of my day screwing around with broken shit that I’m probably disappointed about buying in the first place. Buffalo Technologies, I’m looking right at you!

There is shit in my garage and basement right now, that is almost from another epoch in terms of electronics or computer technology. Why is it there? Because it’s easier to stuff it in the basement or garage than it is to dispose of it properly!

Don’t even get me started on paperwork and bills & statements. I literally found a statement in my other half’s so called, “filing system” that was from 2000.

It was a phone bill from a company that no longer exists, having long since been purchased by a larger conglomerate.

My shredder overheats regularly!

But it’s time to get moving and hopefully get back before the freeway is a mess.

Who am I kidding? The freeway is always a mess and should be renamed to the obstruction way. After all we’re supposed to be fighting mis-information aren’t we…

Have a great day!