OMG! It’s the end of the world!!!

Annular EclipseDOOM! DOOM is upon us! The Sun is being eaten!!!! 

The eclipse is starting. I can see the changing of the light and am debating about making a pinhole observation device.

On the other hand, maybe I’ll just wait for the pictures later today.

I wonder how many religious cults are gleefully drinking Cyanide laced kool aid? Yeah, apparently several years ago there were a number of fundamentalist cults who believed the time of The Rapture was nigh and had to be talked off the ledge over some special eclipse.

I’m to the point in my life where I think no-one should talk idiots off the proverbial ledge. Evolution demands that only useful genes get passed on and those genes which are not useful are recycled as food. Stupid brutish humans are good for protection. (Ogg, you stand here. Don’t let anyone come through this gate. Yes Ogg, you can hit…) Generally stupid humans who are neither pretty, or strong, can probably be excised from the gene pool without causing a ripple. 

I think it was Dr Who, that said it best. “Life is just natures way of keeping the meat fresh

“What about the smart people?” You ask. 

Hey they’re the ones who know it’s an eclipse, a natural phenomena, and can maybe make a few bucks off the stupid by selling reflective mylar sheets for $200 a pop to morons as radiation shields. (Hey, Light is radiation… I never said which kind of radiation the sheet shielded against!)

It’s probably a really good thing that I don’t work at a Suicide Hot line. I’d have the worst “save” record because I’d be doing exactly what it said on the tin…

Happy Holidays, Suicide hot line how can I help? So how far along are you in your suicide? Oh, you’re up on the top of the building? Uh huh, and the building is at least 4 stories tall? Oh? Only two stories… Are there any wrought iron fences with spikes nearby? You’re just barely going to reach terminal velocity with a two story jump. I’d suggest finding a taller building or throwing yourself onto something that could impale you. Oh you’re welcome sir… have a wonderful death!

Yeah I’m a sick fuck!

Damn! The sun is recovering… I guess the Rapture isn’t happening today!

There’s always tomorrow!!!!

Have a nice day! 😉