Hmm, That’s interesting!

I updated my IOS and Apple Watch OS to the latest due to some security concerns.  Sigh!General iOS 17 Feature Orange Purple

Suddenly the weather functionality on my watch is all wonky. It’s obviously a bug. The weather info complications will work for a bit, then begin displaying “—“. They’ll still link to the actual weather application and that seems to be working just fine. 

Although in troubleshooting the issue I wiped all my saved locations. Not a big deal…

I thought it was a communication fault between my phone and watch, because I noticed the problem typically when I was outside and my phone was inside. Initially it looked like something not working when the watch was disconnecting from bluetooth. 

I was just about to flush the watch and start over. 

Then I thought, “Wait, I wonder if this is documented?”

It was, apparently Apple has introduced a bug as part of their updates to Weather. I’m glad I didn’t just wipe and restore my watch. The effort would have been pointless.

Busted software is busted software!

I’m wondering if Carrot Weather works, but then I’m not sure that I want to pay for another weather application. I really liked Dark Sky then Apple purchased the company. They did a pretty good job of merging the features of Dark Sky into the Apple weather app. But I’m now hesitant to spend on a subscription.

I have to say Carrot might be amusing because it apparently has a smart ass mode. That might be fun for a while.

Yes I can look outside and see the weather… But I like seeing a mini forecast like the expected high and low and what the probability of rain or snow is for a day or week. The complications on my watch face provide this information at a glance and while you wouldn’t think it would be missed, once you get used to it… you miss it a lot.

I miss it even in Southern California where the weather is boring in its sameness. If I lived in the Midwest or South I’d be losing my mind!

I also noticed another Bug in Apple Music on my phone. If you press the big, obvious, centrally located “Play” button it doesn’t change. There’s no indication that the album or playlist is actually playing. If the selection has a long quiet lead in you might find yourself pressing the play button repeatedly wondering what’s going on. What you’re doing, is restarting the playing selection over and over again.

User interface issues?

Come on Apple! You wrote the book on user interfaces. At least change the color of the button, change the symbol to the || symbol. Do something that tells the user their command has been accepted and is being executed.

Ive told you again and again… I’m happy to test your software. I keep applying for your open positions, I’m experienced, speak, read, and write English. I’m low maintenance! Just give me software and what specifications you have… I like testing software! I don’t need a special glitter covered desk or specialized bathroom designations. A simple workspace and the normal male symbol Malesym

Will do just fine. 

I’m being a little snarky because no matter how many applications I fill out with Apple, the deafening silence coming back from their HR department is a universal constant. Like Gravity.

Anyhow, off to fiddle with something else that needs fiddling with.

Have a good day