I Swear… Often!

There are so many reasons to hate medical facilities.

One reason is shitty driving and parking. Why the fuck are there never enough parking spots? Why is it that you’re trying to get to an appointment where you’re going to be charged if you’re late but you can’t park? So your blood pressure is elevated when you get into the place and immediately you’re put on BP meds and Statins…

OH! I get it! They do this so they can make more money selling shit you don’t really need! Duhh!

Then there’s this stupid shit.

Yeah this is a vehicle in a handicapped spot but at least you’d think they could park head in and between the lines instead of at a jaunty angle that makes every one else have to jockey around.

But NO! Why shouldn’t they park like they do in the third world shit hole they come from?

It’s little things like this that we ignore because we want to be culturally sensitive. Unfortunately, over time, they accumulate into fundamental break downs in what those of us raised in the USA call common rules. This shit is a low level annoyance that adds stress to the situation.

How about everyone adhere to the same set of rules?

It’s annoying too because we’d expect even newcomers to our country to at least follow the example set my the majority of the other people who have already parked.

The folks in the car pictured, appear to have come from India or wherever. They have a handicap sticker apparently they’re brain dead too.

Then at this particular medical facility there aren’t enough bathrooms. Well, there were enough bathrooms beforethey made two bathrooms on the ground floors gender neutral.

So now the one bathroom closest to the parking lot entrance that was a men’s room is gender neutral. The Other bathroom in the other building is still a Women’s. The two bathrooms at the opposite ends of the building halls are one Gender Neutral and another Woman’s.

The bathrooms on the second floor adhere to the same pattern. Guess what?

The gender neutral bathrooms always have lines of women outside them.

As a man, what am I supposed to do? Hang it in the bushes because all I have to do is piss.

This is why there are almost never lines in front of Men’s rooms. We don’t mind pissing in front of each other or against a wall for that matter. Why at a medical facility of all places would you create a situation where 1/2 of the population is treated like trash?

Oh right… Men are shit so let’s fuck ‘em all the damn time.

At least this is what’s happened in fucking Commifornia.

At this point I think it should be ALL or NOTHING!

Either make every bathroom gender neutral or none of them. Particularly in the medical facilities. This one in Loma Linda is just one example. When the other half was in the hospital I encountered the same stupid shit! The gender neutral bathrooms had lines waiting, the women’s rooms were vacant, and the men were left pissing on the walls in the parking structure or using the bathroom in patients rooms.

Hell even the car wash that I used to go to all the time, got so tired of dealing with people bitching that they had a men’s and a women’s room that they removed all the restrooms!

Now the guys piss on the wall. So what? It’s mostly guys who are hand washing their cars and their wives cars in the first place.

You just know, there had to be some nasty ass blue haired bitch screaming about gender neutral bathrooms, so everyone lost.

Gee thanks you blue haired jackass.