What did they think was going to happen?

Now that Title 42 is expired, how is anyone shocked?

How is it that “Poor” or “Lower Income middle class” folks are surprised that their wealthy sanctuary city fathers are sending the flood of migrants into their communities?

Did they actually think that the migrants would be settled in the wealthy areas of the city? Come on, everyone with a brain knows that the wealthy folks sitting in their gated communities aren’t going to put themselves or their families at risk.

The hypocrisy of all these middle class or lower middle class folks who’ve been talking about being sanctuary communities or cities is unbelievable.

Of course resources are going to be drained, of course budgets will be strained, of course hospitals and clinics will be overwhelmed. It’s not like there wasn’t an example. Look at any border town!

These are the same things that the border towns have been screaming about for literally years.

But those troubles were far from Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, and Martha’s Vineyard. The people living in the hell created by the elites were obviously liars and racists and therefore could and should be ignored.

It was easy for elites and media to call people from those towns, racists, xenophobes, and whatever other offensive name, then go have cocktails with their friends. All of them congratulating each other on their progressive values and how they put down those filthy rednecks.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot… Well somehow it’s different.

Predictably the elites are still trying to engage in “NIMBY” just like they always have.

These people don’t want oil drilling in the US, but have no problem using oil from other countries, often produced without regard for the environment. These people refuse to have mining of minerals in our country, but have no problem with mining using child labor, or strip mining, happening in other countries. These people are happy to derive benefit from illegal immigration but don’t want to live near illegal immigrants.

These are the people who’ll complain about crime and prison overcrowding, but will refuse to have a new prison built near them.

“Not In My Back Yard!”

Remember these are the people that say the police are too mean, then say defund the police. Then they wonder why they don’t feel safe, why the police aren’t at their home instantly,

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