Did I miss a memo from God?

God & I have a relationship.

Right at the moment I’m a little angry at God but not so much that I’ve turned my back on him. He knows why I’m angry and that I have faith perhaps everything was, or will be, for the best.

I’m willing to acknowledge he knows more than I do. I’m sure that he’ll forgive me for being a bit angry because I can’t see the whole picture like he can. I’m also sure he’ll forgive my ignorance and demands for answers. Compared to God I’m a petulant child and like my Father used to do, God is probably sighing in a slightly annoyed way, but is not angry at me.

I think of God very much like a good Dad. I treat the relationship with God the same way.

So I am generally confused when I see or hear things like, “I prayed over whether I should purchase an ice cream cone,” or something equally insignificant.

I understand having God in all aspects of your life but come on, would you call your actual Father up 50 or 100 times a day to ask about trivial bullshit?

No. You call your Dad to ask about serious stuff. “Hey Dad, I think I’m in love and want to get married. What do you think?  You’ve met ‘em.” Equally, I can see praying to God about getting married and asking for a little guidance on the question of, “Is this person the right person for me?”

That seems appropriate and I totally get it.

I’ve never thought of God as genie or Santa Claus. Even as a child somehow I knew that you only asked God for serious stuff. “God, please help Grandma get out of the hospital soon. I really miss her biscuits.”

(Yes… I did actually make that prayer as a child.) I’m fairly certain that God smiled at that childish, selfish prayer much the same way that my Father did tucking me into bed.

So when I see people saying they prayed over this, that, or the other trivially stupid thing, all the damn time I find myself wondering if they’re serious or just virtue signaling. I honestly don’t know, and am trying to refrain from rushing to judgement.

If these people are actually praying like this over any stupid thing, then I feel sorry for God. How many people are doing this all day every day? Even God has his limits. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? How about the flood? Yeah what happens when God finally has enough of the whining and bitching and flings the planet into the sun for a 5 minute cleansing.

My Dad used to joke that if I didn’t behave, he could give me away and make another one just like me, who would behave properly.

With God… He could actually do it!

So all you bible thumpers out there. Y’all keep on preaching,  but how about not clogging the heavenly switchboard or voicemail with moronic shit?

There are some folks trying to get through with really important stuff. You know like, “God, should I marry this person? God, could you please help Russia and Ukraine tone it down a little bit?”

Most importantly, “Hey God, could you give me a little help making Grandma’s biscuits, I just can’t get ‘em quite right.”

How about all of us just thank God for another day and give him a break?