Trump Should not be the 2024 Nominee!

Yeah, I said it!

Yes I’m a conservative, a lot of people would call me too far to the right and others were say I’m a little too moderate. The fact is, I’ve made up my mind based on Trumps words, his recent attempts to revise his own history, and also on his attack ads against DeSantis.

It’s not that I think DeSantis is perfect, he’s not. It’s that Trump’s attack ads are misrepresenting what DeSantis actually did. For this kind of mud-slinging to be going on this early in the election cycle reeks of fear on Trumps part.

If Donald Trump and by extension his campaign cannot run and win on their own merit then so be it. But I can tell you that the Trump ads I’ve seen have turned me completely off Trump.

The shittiest part of it will be that Trump will split the fucking ticket and probably ensure that Joe “Lying” Biden remains in the White House.

Personally, I think if Biden and his moronic administration remain in Washington then the USA is doomed.

That being said, I don’t think Trump has any answers either. I think Trump is making this about revenge and settling scores. Trump, as we know, has always been about winning and in his mind I think anyone who disagrees with him is automatically an enemy. We’ve seen some evidence of this before, the ads against DeSantis who Trump previously endorsed and supported, prove the point in my book

DeSantis is a stronger competitor in the Republican field than pretty much anyone else. He’s popular and has proven that he can govern.

You can see the proof in that statement by watching how often DeSantis is misrepresented in the media.

Democrats rightfully FEAR DeSantis, and so does Trump.

I’d vote for anybody but Biden and that’s a dangerous thing. It’s how we got Biden in the first place. Too many people voting for anything but Trump.

At this point I’d vote for Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, or possibly that Vivek guy.

I’d vote for anybody that exhibited a lick of common sense.

Maybe I’ll write my own name in, on the Presidential Ballot. God Knows I could do better than most of these jackass politicians!