It’s one of those days

It started yesterday. I was just suddenly inexplicably sad. I know that grieving is a process, but I’d really like to hurry it along a bit.

I’ve been trying to write but the words just don’t want to come. So I thought, “Just look for a job.”

That might have been a mistake, but then again it’s also something that must get done. Technically I shouldn’t have done that until Thursday when it’s supposed to be snowing again. Really more snow? I’m so over it, I was enjoying the nice 70°F temps and sunshine.

Oh well…

As I was looking for a job, It occured to me that all I need is a part time position paying minimum wage. So I started looking for simple things. I noticed a position at a Gym less than 20 miles away. I thought, “Hey, I could do that.” I started looking through the position then I saw this ESG thing. 

Normally I don’t think about ESG but they were making it kind of a big deal and it seemed really important to them. The more I read, the more the ESG subject seemed to matter. 

It led me to wonder if my having little to no opinion or concern about ESG would be a problem. I mean would I be expected to praise or worship at the alter of ESG when I don’t necessarily believe in it?

I applied anyway. I know there’s a lot to be said for social justice and all of that, but I’m not radical about it and honestly I don’t think it’s one of the things that should be first and foremost when it comes to employment. I’ve always agreed that we hire the best person for the job regardless of their racial origin or whatever.

There was something about ESG being so prominant in the company web site that made me uncomfortable. We’ll see if my weird feeling about it was justified, if I get called for an interview.