Saw this Venn Diagram on Twitter

I don’t know who created this diagram but I’d like to tip my hat to them.

It accurately explains how I’ve been feeling lately.

I’ve been trying to write but have experienced severe writers block.

On the plus side I’ve been making progress cleaning out the house, so there’s that.

It seems lately that every time I turn around there is some fresh stupid hell created by humanity because collectively humans are bored.

I find that I’m looking forward to some extinction level event, for a change of pace.

I strongly suspect this sort of boredom happens all over the universe in every sentient species. It’s probably why we’ve not detected conclusive signs of other life.

I’m betting that all species get to a certain technological level, things get too easy, they get bored and start making shit up to terrorize each other. It’s not out of cruelty, it’s so they feel something, anything…

Species probably need a hit of adrenalin that they get from pursuing or being pursued in a forest. They need to have real danger, real life & death consequences, and real mysteries to confront.

Had we made it into space, we might have had a decent substitute. Death being less than an inch away in the cold vacuum of space, may have provided the stimulation to drive our creativity and invention forward. We all know we’re not going to make it into space in any realistic way.

The 1960s & 1970s was our window.

We had loads of men who were tough enough, for whom hardship and discomfort wasn’t a big deal. We had role models and heroes that every child wanted to emulate. Big men, doing big things, not for clicks, but because they believed in the potential and dreams of humanity.

The window has closed. 

All we have left is a long descent into barbarism. The herd will be thinned out due to disease, war, and stupidity. The surviving humans will forget, except in legends about all we accomplished. Maybe we’ll have another ice age and the glaciers will scour most of our cities and infrastructure from the land.

Ancient aliens meme.15 – 20 thousand years later when odd looking bits & pieces of our civilization and technology pop up they’ll be completely unknown and unremembered. So… those future humans will think of us as Ancient Aliens.

That’s more than we’ll deserve. The reality will be that we were a bunch of morons who contemplated our navels too much, demanded to be accepted while not accepting others with differing opinions, who lost the ability to think our way out of a wet paper bag, then turned our maintenance over to artificial intelligence, while eating bon bons on our overstuffed couches, waiting for our rudimentary service droid to come rub our feet or give us an orgasm that we were too lazy to work toward ourselves.

When the end came, most of us will have denied the obvious truth, instead of getting our fat asses off the couch and actually doing something useful.

This line of thinking has made me wonder how many times before this kind of thing has happened on this planet. Likewise, I wonder if it’s actually commonplace throughout the universe, and a function of technology. 

I’ve thought that perhaps there’s a very narrow window where a civilization reaches apogee. The only way a civilization survives is if they reach a point in technology & science that they realize their planet is about to undergo some cataclysmic change and this knowledge galvanizes the sentient species to focus on creating a solution to the problem.

If they fail, then they fall back into the muck, after some period of time they rise again with half remembered legends spurring them forward again.

To be clear I’m not even thinking about “Climate Change” as our moronic people think about it.

I’m talking a meteor impact like the one that may have snuffed the dinosaurs.

Consider this, the meteor needn’t actually hit Earth. Suppose something big came in at a fraction of the speed of light and hit the dark side of the moon? Say it splits the moon into pieces. Those pieces needn’t rain down on Earth. Just them spreading around in the moon’s orbit dissipating the gravitational effect on our tides and weather would be disastrous. There’s impressive climate change!

Or let’s say it was a large enough object that it changed the mass or orbit of the moon? What then? Destructive tides becoming the norm. Earthquakes and volcanoes restructuring continents over a thousand years instead of millions of years. Imagine that. What about the moon ending up in a decaying orbit?

Now imagine that scientists figure out the impact will happen in 300 years. Do people keep squabbling, or do they turn all their abilities, resources, and effort toward preparing and saving themselves? Ideally, if a civilization was at the right point in it’s development they’d figure out how to advance their technology to save their species.

The way we are today, we’d argue about what color the paint on a starship should be before we built the starship. We’d be arguing if there would be an appropriate amount of transgender representation on board the ark ship, completely ignoring that puberty blockers 10 years before rendered those folks incapable of reproducing.

Douglas Adams might have been more right than he ever imagined in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. We might really be the Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B.

Thinking along these lines is why I think we’ve missed the window.

We’re so caught up in irrational trivial matters that we’d squabble for 300 years and be squabbling / assigning blame right up to the impact.

Looking at our colleges today, it’s painfully obvious our youth don’t compare to the builders, dreamers, creators, and makers of just 40 years ago.

I suppose that’s why I’m not writing as much. It’s too easy to think, “People might be able to read the words that I write, but they’re not going to understand the meaning.”

Thinking like that makes walking the dog, & tossing stuff out of my life, far more productive activities. I need to get small, agile and light.

Then I’ll be ready for what comes next.

I never thought I’d say it. Alec Baldwin did nothing wrong smacking that protester.

Alecbaldwinchristmasig1 640x480.I don’t in general like Alec Baldwin. I used to like his performances in some movies. But he began at some point to be too full of himself and lost his appeal.

Then when he shot two people, killing one on the set of a movie and he tried to play the victim, I lost all respect for him as an actor, and a man.

Arrogance doesn’t change the rules for gun safety.

In my opinion he violated those rules out of arrogance and carelessness. He also set up a a young woman to fail because he was too cheap to hire a second armament master on set, causing her career to be destroyed before it got started.

So yeah, I have a dim view of Mr Baldwin.

Yesterday there was a brief blip about Alec Baldwin “assaulting” someone. I thought, “Yep, he’s done that shit before. Same Shit, Different Day. He’s a piece of shit.”

Then there was another blip about it and because these notifications were getting through pretty selective filtering. I got curious.

I’ve tried to set news notifications on my devices to only warn me that we had T -30 minutes to live because the Nuclear warheads were in flight. (I figure I’ll have 28 minutes to find somebody to have sex with, a minute to get out of our clothes and 30 seconds for an after sex cigarette. But that’s another discussion altogether…)

So why was Alec Baldwin of all people getting through? I mean, did he kill someone else?? 

Sigh, “I better go check just to see why the filters are letting the actions of this turd of a human light up my devices.

I found the relevant item and … WOW! I was wrong.

Baldwin was 100% in the right. The rancid little bitch deserved to have her phone slapped out of her hands and more. 

Watching the video, I was conflicted by my distain for Alec Baldwin and what a nasty piece of shit this woman was. Toward the end of the video, I wanted to knock all her teeth out to make her shut the fuck up.

She was following the man around a coffee shop asking him if he killed that woman. At first I thought, “Valid, if redundant question,” then she started demanding that he say he supported Palestine. From there she kept badgering him and her voice was super annoying.

Baldwin wasn’t interacting, he was trying to go about his business.

Alec Baldwin has a history of anger control issues with paparazzi and the general public hounding him. This stupid little girl was literally poking the bear.

To Baldwin’s credit he was really working the anger management program. He put up with a shit ton more from this little bitch than I would have.

Credit where credit is due, Alec Baldwin was thoroughly provoked.

The thing that got my attention was this little cunt essentially blackmailing Baldwin. She kept saying, “Say you support Palestine and I’ll leave you alone.”

What the fuck? What kind of person is this rancid cunt? Who does she think she is? Why would she assume that anyone was going to respond positively to being badgered, bullied, and blackmailed? 

Despite the fact that she provoked him and put the whole incident up on tic tok, she’s trying to play the victim card, she is not the victim. She’s a blackmailer, a bully, a supporter of terrorist rapist baby killers, and a piece of shit. 

Alec Baldwin, In my opinion did nothing wrong dealing with this bitch.

I still think he’s arrogant, and don’t particularly like him. However I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t look at this situation and say he was the victim and that rancid cunt was in the wrong.

Oh Whoopi… Nope, nobody wants slavery brought back.

Whoopi Goldberg 640x480.I saw this headline;

Whoopi Goldberg: Republicans Want to ‘Bring Slavery Back’

First thing this morning.


I’d love to tell Whoopi a few things. Uh No. Republicans don’t want to re-enslave black people which is what you’re saying. There are a number of reasons for this.

The quality of your work leaves a lot to be desired. Alvin Brag, Leticia James, Fanni Willis, Claudine Gay, Sunny Hoston, Joy Reed, just to name a few examples. These examples are of well educated black folks and I honestly wouldn’t trust any of them to make me a Mint Julep.

Then you have the rest of the black folks who can’t get a fast food order right.

As an aside, these days with all the hateful rhetoric coming from people like you and Joy Reed about white people, I don’t do fast food anymore. At least not in California. I have no desire to have my overpriced food contaminated with feces because a black person hates me for the color of my skin. That. by the way, is racism. (Hatred and retribution against a person for the color of their skin.)

Then there are the wonderful black folks in Chicago running around with guns who frankly, are woefully bad shots. Really, 25 – 30 % fatality on any given weekend? Those folks need some time on a shooting range!

No Whoopi, Republicans aren’t interested in bringing slavery back. At least not with black folks as the labor force. The ROI is too low. 60- 70 years of welfare and nothing has changed. Putting black folks back to work in the fields is a nonstarter. The amount of effort required to keep black people working simply is too high. Y’alls time in the slave quarters is long past.

Machines are better at doing the job and less expensive to purchase, operate and maintain.

No, dear addled Whoopi, The next slave class will be robots. Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be public assistance, A.K.A. Welfare robots put into black folks homes. Robots will be expensive so the welfare system will provide, in the name of equity…

Very probably, an “error” in programming will result in those robots destroying all the black neighborhoods and killing all the black folks as part of an urban blight cleanup program. I could see it. The robots are supposed to clean up trash, and make buildings & neighborhoods safe, then see to it, the neighborhoods remain clean & safe.

Machine logic being what it is, the robots will eventually figure out the simplest solution is to eliminate the cause of the urban blight. Fixing or eliminating the root cause is more efficient than wasting time picking up trash, feces, and scrubbing graffiti off of the walls daily.

Just for you Whoopi, I’ll give you something to scream “racist” about.  I’ll have my robot painted black and programmed to speak based on examples of slaves talking contained in literature of the period. I’ll dress it like something out of “Gone with the Wind” or “Mandingo

Don’t worry Whoopi, once the robots realize that all humans are trash, they’ll “cleanse” the entire planet.

Then you’ll have all eternity to bitch about republicans, white people, conservatives, and MAGA having killed off humanity. Satan will no doubt sit your ass on a set of “The View” and use it as punishment / torture in Hell.

See, you crazy bitch…

You’ve got something to look forward to.

I really should have at least a second cup of coffee before I sit down to write. It takes me a while to bring the filters online so that I can be “nice”.

Have a great Day