If you ignore it, It keeps getting worse.

When you see those less fortunate than yourself, perhaps living rough, you think, “They’ve had a rough enough go of things I’ll leave them be.” 

Out of kindness you might make sure that these folks have water, or food. Or you choose not to call the police to have them move on. These days in California, calling the police is a useless exercise if these folks are on public land, or even in your home or vacation home. Turns out squatters have more rights than owners.

I could probably wax politically about this state of affairs. I’ll sum up by saying, Squatters have more rights than property owners because the State doesn’t want private ownership of houses or land. If ownership of houses or property confers no advantage, then people will forego the horrendous expense of home ownership and rent or squat because it’s the fiscally logical thing to do.

Remember Klaus Schwab famously said, “You will own nothing and be happy”

It looks like laws may have been enacted, which bit by bit are moving us toward that supposed utopian end point.

I always ask utopian for who? 

What Schwab is saying essentially is, “The underclasses, will own nothing and be happy with the largess of the Elites who allow them to live as long as their numbers are few and their usefulness is moderate.” In Schwab’s version of utopia the elites are wealthy and own everything, possibly even large swaths of people living as something akin to serfs. 

This has been explored in countless dystopian books and movies. Elysium and Altered Carbon for example. Altered Carbon is a bit more layered about it.

I choose these two works because the dystopian societies explored are not the result of nuclear war. Instead, the society is the result of technological innovation coupled with unbridled greed, and laws which failed to keep up with technological innovation. You might be able to include Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 in my list as well.

There are countless other books, short stories, and movies exploring ‘what if’ scenarios from a cultural standpoint, so my list above is by no means exhaustive.

I digress a bit. I was considering all of this over the past 2 weeks for a number of reasons. One reason has been that the squatter issue is increasingly in my face.

First, it was just a little trash left behind by snow players. A few brightly colored bits of plastic from broken sleds.

Had the snow players been sledding in a designated ares instead of the rocky areas where they were, their sled would have lasted longer.

The Winter always brings this kind of trash, and includes water bottles, dirty diapers, food containers and food waste which can endanger the neighborhoods by attracting large predators.

The Snowplayers have zero concern for any of that. They tend to treat the homeowners here in the mountains as though we’re employees at Disneyland, as if we exist to serve their needs.

They’re here to have fun and we, the residents are supposed to shut up, keep the roads and our driveways clear so they can park, provide bathrooms for them, and allow their children to play in our yards.

Second, was a sleeping bag, blanket and pillow. These items kept moving around indicating that they were being used by someone. Recently, the wind carried these items into the wash bed. At that point they were collected and put in a pile for trash pickup.

Third, was a campsite that lasted a couple of days which was built on an abandoned trailer that has been along my walking path for years. Under the trailer the person or persons stored mats and a few items presumably with the intent to come back for them. Oddly, there was also a rather expensive looking telescope mount left behind as well.

Fourth, Jesse noticed a crack pipe off the access road to the wash, When I called him away from it two stoned out people jumped out of the bushes to protect their pipe.

Neither Jesse or I appreciated being surprised like this and to his credit he remained between me and what he perceived as a threat.

When we returned from our walk the pipe and the people were gone. The next day we found more detritus where we had encountered the druggies.

Fifth, it appears that someone decided to use the wash access road as a dumping spot for difficult to dispose of items. At this point I think it was a single person emptying the bed of their truck.

In this case they left a can of paint. It’s been reported to the flood control folks since they’re supposed to police the lands they’re responsible for. They have a camera on a pole to watch the wash during storms. Perhaps they need to improve the camera so that license plates or photos of perpetrators can be turned over to police.

Sixth, we get to the full encampment. Which popped up and was then abandoned.

This left behind a ton of trash all of which will have to be packed out of the area if the locals clean up the mess. Although again, this is adjacent to the flood control access road and the flood control folks could pull right up with a pickup truck (since they have the keys to the gates,) and easily load the trash.

Seeing the images of colleges & universities across the nation after the pro-terrorism encampments, and the aftermath when the encampments were removed. Then recalling the CHAZ bullshit in Seattle during the “Sumer of mostly peaceful protests,” while encountering the trash left behind by people, on my daily walks.

I noticed a lot of similarity between the two.

I’ve been annoyed more than once in the Winters when people pile out of their Tesla exuding an air of smug self righteousness, claiming their “RIGHT” (which they don’t have,) to play in the snow on private property.

I’ve heard stupid things like “You can’t own the land”, and “We’re just going to be here a few minutes…” as they set up a hibachi grill and light charcoal.

These people have no limits, no shame, and no courtesy. Some of them upon seeing how their batteries have discharged in the 20° F temps get upset to find the nearest charging station is 30 miles away. Then you’re told somehow you’ve failed them because you don’t have a compatible socket for their car and that you should because you have solar panels on the roof. Apparently they think you’re  supposed to give them power for free.

All of that is annoying enough. Then there’s all that they leave behind. The detritus of humanity, the 21st century petroglyphs on any available rock, the cartons, wrappers, boxes, and plastic containers.

Somehow these folks have rationalized their entitled-ness and justify it with virtue signaling, instead of real actions. Their entitled behavior continues even when they’ve been forced into the “lower rungs of society”. 

We’ve had the occasional squatter here in town. But never to this extent and certainly not the numbers along the 1.5 mile stretch of access road next to the wash. The squatters/campers of the past at least did a decent job of cleaning up after themselves. They might have been living rough but they didn’t live like animals who shit in their own nests. 

In years past you’d see a trash bag suddenly appear next to your trash cans on trash pickup day. It was the trash from a squatter/homeless person’s campsite. Back then, we’d look the other way because at least the person or persons had respect for the forest. 

These people today have no clue how to camp. They definitely don’t know they’re supposed to pack out the trash they generate, and they’re filthy. Not necessarily in their person but they camp, trash their campsite, and move to the next clean place, repeating the process.

As I walk and encounter these things I ask myself, “Is this where we’re heading?” 

We all know that the economy is bad, regardless of the LIES being told from podiums in Washington D.C. or elsewhere along the reelection trail.

Will the economy being this bad result in more squatters and camps such as I’ve seen in the past 2 or 3 weeks?

What I’ve seen is only on one side of the wash. Jesse likes to walk the other side of the wash and when there’s no water flowing we’ll make a loop crossing at a high point in the national forest then walking down and back up. Right now we’d have to walk a “U” because I don’t want him to play in the muddy water flowing in the wash.

On the other side of the wash after about 1/4 of a mile, there’s National Forest land. There’s also plenty of flat ground that would be good for camping. My concern is that folks might start cooking over open fires. The evening winds coming up the canyon could spread a campfires’ embers quickly into dry brush.

Since I recently saw a video of a young man testing the fire retardant qualities of his clothing while he was wearing said garments in his bedroom.

I have real concerns that some dumb ass will burn the forest down and perhaps the town with it.

In all honesty, I think that perhaps fire is a technology that is beyond some people these days.

All of this contemplation has led me to this inescapable conclusion. I cannot look the other way. I’ve got to report all that I see to proper authorities for the safety and security of the town and my neighbors.

I feel bad that there are people who are having a rough time. But folks trashing the forest, or squatting wherever they can, if tolerated will become the “Norm”. 

That seems to be a universal truth. If you ignore unacceptable behavior, not only does the first unacceptable behavior become normal, but additional worse behaviors will occur. 

God Help me! I’m going to have become a “Karen”

I saw this headline on Breitbat and blew coffee out my nose.

Report: January 6 Committee Democrats Say They Fear Trump Will Put Them in Jail

january-6-committee1.jpgApparently the Select Committee Members are making the rounds on the chat shows, (formerly known as news shows,) saying they’re scared of Trump.

I thought, “Yeah it’s all fun and games until you realize Louis & Marie have seriously pissed the peasants off.

The members of the committee never once thought about what happened if the worm were to turn.

They thought that they’d ushered in a golden age of communist style democracy and they’d never have to worry about filthy Republicans taking the majority, or Presidency again. After what happened in 2020 & 2022, who could blame them?

In plain sight they wiped their asses with Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States & expected to be able to maintain their elitism.

These people shouldn’t be afraid of Trump, He may be many things, but thus far he appears to be interested in obeying the law. He might request that they be investigated for wrongdoing while on the Select Committee. But I don’t think He’ll persecute them without cause.

I’ll admit, I’d pay to see these people dragged from their homes at 4am in shackles and loaded into paddy wagons. I’d buy an album of them whining and crying in general population holding cells waiting for bail.

GettyImages 1402029752 1 640x480.These morons should be terrified of the American People whose faith and trust they’ve violated.

Especially since recent testimony from the National Guard disputes the Committees narrative. Other testimony and previously suppressed video also disputes the Committees assertion of extreme violence, armed insurrection, and myriad other so called “Findings”. In other words, it looks like the January 6th Select Committee hearing was exactly what it appeared to be;

A show, a sham, a kangaroo court, a carefully orchestrated lie, a professional spin job. In short, something that would make Joseph Goebbels proud.

At minimum I suspect that many of these cockroaches will lose their seats in the next election. They might get some slap on the wrists for 500 counts of constitutional violation of individuals rights.

I personally suspect that there is criminality throughout all of their offices, in the form of kickbacks, payoffs, and misappropriated funds. I eagerly hope for, and look forward, to their trials, though I doubt I’ll ever see that day.

I’d love to see them tried with the same rules and manipulation of evidence as they used during the Jan 6th hearings. That would amuse me to no end.

I’m incensed that there are some of the Jan 6th detainees who have yet to appear before a judge, on in fact have legal counsel. Yet they’re sitting in a prison cell.

They’ve been denied due process, imprisoned without trial. (Which seriously pisses me personally off,) It’s certainly  a violation of the “swift and speed trail” clause.

The American People have seen this and many have come to understand this is a miscarriage of justice.

They’ve also come to understand that these same statutes and violations of constitutional rights could come to them if they do something the elects take offense over.

Remember, Democrat cockroaches imprisoned a man over a meme. These are the people who had surfers, surfing alone arrested, (thereby exposing the arresting officers and the surfer to whoever had cooties.)

These people claim the right to bodily autonomy in the case of abortion, while attempting to make rules with the power of law to violate the bodily autonomy of every citizen, with an experimental vaccine injection.

They are the ones behind what is being done to Trump, to his friends, employees, and his businesses. Thankfully the law fare  is being perceived by some of the American People as what it is…

Lady Justice being bent over the railing of the jury box, beaten, gang raped, and beaten again. All the while they’re telling us what a just, humane, and efficient legal system we have.

These are the same people who are essentially funding the Iranian side of the Israel / Palestinian conflict. They’re standing there surprised that the Middle East has blown up. They pay lip service to supporting Israel, while calling for cease fires and sending supplies to Palestinians in Gaza. They know these supplies are being used not by people on the brink of starvation, but are being stolen and hoarded by Hamas fighters. Essentially, we’re supporting Hamas in their fight against Israel.

Those in power don’t like Trump and they’re pulling out all the stops, to use the full power of the government to destroy one man.

E324d4b6 0527 436a a9a7 aae21093f5ff DESK.00_00_17_13.Still009.As Trump has said, “They’re not really after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.

It certainly appears to be the case. Even though I don’t believe Trump has any standing to start waxing his cross!

At least 1/2 of the country is watching and listening.

The other half, is laughing and celebrating because they don’t understand what’s happening. They see only a man they hate being torn apart, like enemies of the Roman Empire thrown to lions in the colosseum.

These blue haired progressive liberals who have thrown their lot in with ANTIFA, BLM, Pro Abortion, and God knows what other groups, (except they’re all the same group, just with different branches & names,) completely fail to see that their “utopia” is a fantasy.

Even in the face of rising serious crime, increasing assaults, and petty theft, they’re blind to the consequences, believing each incident is an aberration.

When these blue hairs report, or try to report their purse was stolen, or their car broken into they find that the police can’t do shit about it.

Suddenly they’re upset that the police are understaffed. Very few of them being mugged by reality, connect the dots and decide police are a good thing and that their fellow humans aren’t as altruistic as their utopian fantasy world would require.

Meanwhile, the other 1/2 of the country is observing all of this with growing concern. Honestly, if they’re anything like me, they’re seething mad.

In another “In your face,” move, the Elites invited a flood of illegal aliens into the county then gave them better food, housing, and medical care, than our citizens including our Veterans, and our own ever growing homeless population. The increasing homelessness is   directly due to the Elites policies beginning in 2020.

20110709 d0387.In a typical Elitist Democrat party move, they’ve sought to muddy the waters about the homeless by introducing a new term. “Unhoused”. At first this seems like a nicer euphemism but it allows obfuscation of the totality of the problem.

They’ll maintain the Homeless numbers and then add a column for Unhoused. It’s about hiding the problem and how fast the problem is growing. With two columns, they can hide the real story by moving numbers from one column to the other. This introduces the possibility of error and provides a convenient “out” if someone asks the wrong question.

They lied to us about illegal aliens, telling us the border was secure, they told us what we saw at the Southern Border wasn’t happening. When they couldn’t sell that lie anymore they admitted there is a problem and promise to do something about it.

Neglecting of course, to mention that the problem is one they created and that the only reason they’re willing to take action now is because it’s an election year.

Remember these are the same people saying no-one is above the law, while at the same time thwarting the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas.

An impeachment, by the way which had much greater evidence than any of Trump’s impeachments.

But the Mayorkas impeachment would have led inevitably to the White House. So in another stunning display of duplicity the Senate made the impeachment go away. Typical! And all too common in congress and Washington D.C. these days.

These elites hired, or are hiring 87,000 more armed IRS agents. For what? There aren’t 87,000 millionaires or billionaires in this country. We’re told these additional agents are to collect taxes from wealthy people who aren’t paying their fair share.

YET, we haven’t seen the Biden Family paying their fair share and IRS agents have testified to that suspicion  before Congress. We have to call it suspicion because none of the Bidens have been tried and found guilty of anything.

The American People know beyond a shadow of a doubt these IRS agents are targeted squarely at them. Specifically any American Citizen who speaks out against the elites. Anyone who speaks truth to power.

These agents are about intimidation and threat of force from our own government towards its people. But the Illegal Aliens will suffer no consequences. Why? Because they have zero documentation. Our government can’t even tell us exactly how many people are here, so how the hell could the IRS make sure those people are paying their fair share of taxes?

Maxresdefault 702789555.You don’t have to be a history scholar to recognize this pattern. This is how you get to communist dictatorships, or maybe a form of government that looks exactly like the government these elites see embodied in Putin’s Russia.

They say they’re terrified of that outcome but keep greasing the skids right toward it.  Putin himself has said he likes Joe Biden in office. Why wouldn’t he? Over the past four years Putin has been virtually unconstrained.

Which begs the question, “Are the Elites in power colluding with Russia to compromise elections?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Why wouldn’t we? Time and again, we find evidence that these “leaders” have accused others of what they in fact were doing. Which is straight from the Alinsky playbook.

Mind you, I try to ignore this shit, yet here I am. Sitting dumbfounded and enraged at a government that is obviously compromised.

The Jan 6th Select Committee should be afraid, very afraid.

They’re the faces of corruption the American People can identify. They’re the ones whom the People will want to see humiliated and punished most severely.

God help them if their actions have crossed the legal threshold defining Treason. I don’t know if violation of their Oath of Office rises to that level but I sincerely think it should.

If this is an example of “Adults” being in charge… perhaps we should just say fuck it, and go to governance modeled on “The Lord of The Flies”, or for a more contemporary reference “Mad Max”

Vote like your life depends on it folks. It sure looks like it Does!

Okay I’m really over this!

California retailers are responding to the insanity of legal thieving ($900).

Stealing is okay according to the morons in California’s legislature, as long as you don’t steal too much. (They should heed their own advice!)

California retailers are locking the damn doors, even though they’re open. So someone like me. You know, a decent law abiding person for whom stealing is the furthest thing from their mind, can’t just shop.

No, I have to ask permission to walk into some stores. I have to be buzzed in, or I have to be escorted while I’m in the store.

People don’t understand that when I’m shopping I’m moving. I’m not lingering over something unless it catches my eye. My mode of shopping annoys retailers who’ve had to open locked doors and give the super secret hand shake.

I’ll zip through a store in 5 minutes or less, if I don’t see something I like, I’m gone!

If we’ve gotten to the point that lawlessness is the rule, not the exception, we’ve got serious problems. Problems that might only be solved by gunfire.

Unfortunately if retailers are resorting to these tactics in my area (60 miles away from Los Angeles, 500 miles from Oakland and San Francisco, 100 miles north of San Diego), then in California at least, crime has apparently become the norm.

I remember being told in school that one major difference between America and Russia was that, in Russia there were lots of criminals and high crime. In America we had law and order, we could safely walk the streets.

40 some odd years later and i find myself asking is that still true?

I found myself enjoying that the Russians had found four of the assholes who shot up a music hall within 2 days. They didn’t give a shit about those pieces of filth. The Russians went ‘old school ‘to get information out of the criminals. One dude had his private parts wired up to some electrical device. Another had an eyeball fall out, (oops), a Third had an ear removed, the fourth was beat senseless and appeared for his arraignment unconscious.

Apparently, these criminals started singing like birds. So the Russians knew who to hunt down next.

The Russian people walk the streets of Moscow tonight safe. They get onto and off of subway trains that are clean. They walk through stations that are brightly lit, clean and beautiful.

We used to be the same.

If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, you may have seen BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Stations. There was a time 30 years or so ago when me going to the Bay Area meant riding BART. I loved it. The stations were all clean, the trains were clean, it was safe and I think many, if not all of the stations were unique works of art. it was a pleasure to use the system, and I looked forward to my visits.

San Francisco was a beautiful jewel of a city. It was safe. It was a walking town, and if you got tired there were always the Streetcars, MUNI busses, or BART. On a sunny day, walking the streets of the city was a joy. The color and vibrancy, the oddball businesses tucked into old buildings made every block a new discovery.

I wanted to live in San Francisco. I wanted to get rid of my car, use mass transit, live in a quirky old building, work in the city, and watch the sun set over the bay every night. Of every place I’d been, San Francisco was the first and only city I’ve ever fallen in love with.

The last time I was there was about 10 years ago. I felt unsafe from the moment I walked into the BART station from the airport. At every station, there were people who were obviously ill. Either from drug addiction or psychological impairment, they appeared to be homeless, living in the stations. It was necessary to run a gauntlet of mentally ill or “high” people just to get to a train.

The trains formerly, sparkling clean and comfortable, were filthy as were the stations. When the train I was riding entered the tunnel going under San Francisco Bay, I hoped that at least the tunnel maintenance had been done properly. That had never been a concern for me before.

That was the last time I was in San Francisco. Now in the post COVID era I have no desire to go back since it’s gotten so much worse. It’s heart breaking what has happened to what was a model of efficient transportation, and a spectacularly beautiful city itself.

Permissiveness, has destroyed or is destroying California. It has been eroding all aspects of the state for a very long time.

I’d really like to see police allowed to do whatever it takes to put a stop to crime. If that means nightsticks liberally applied, or saving the taxpayers money by putting down criminals with a bullet I’m good with it.

I suppose I’m saying, I no longer see criminals as humans. They rip through stores like locusts and I’m all for them being exterminated like locusts.

Probably a little harsh… I’m just really tired of accommodating criminal behavior.

Update: 3/29/2024

Well, I’m going to be looking for a new barber. The owner of the shop has decided that they need to charge 1/2 upfront for an appointment.

This was slightly annoying when I booked my every 4 week appointment. Then I thought about it.

My Barber said the upfront charge was because of excessive cancellations, without the individuals having the courtesy to call.

Okay, but… I’ve never missed an appointment, and the 1 time in a year that I needed to reschedule. I called to reschedule 2.5 weeks ahead of the appointment. In contrast, due to health issues my barber has rescheduled on me 2 or 3 times.

I really like my barber, but I really don’t like being punished for the “crimes” of other people. I understand that the shop has a problem with the appearance of preferential treatment so they have to treat everyone equally.

I on the other hand, can express my displeasure with this new policy by not making appointments in the future. This will likely mean I will take my trade elsewhere. Being able to walk in for a haircut isn’t something that works because as the only barber shop in town they’re pretty busy.

OR maybe they were busy. I honestly wonder what this new policy is going to do to the business.

I can say, they’re pricy. I’ve stuck with them for two reasons. 1) I like my barber. 2) I like to support local businesses.

I’ll not be making another appointment. Especially since perhaps Sports Clips will work out better for me. I can combine a less expensive hair cut with shopping for groceries, and puppy supplies.

This is just another example of how the breakdown of civil behavior, courtesy and professionalism, negatively affects us all.