Happy day after Easter

The family wasn’t able to have their usual get together in the park. This kids didn’t get to have their easter egg hunt or play family baseball. Believe me there are enough folks between the immediate family and various in-laws to field two teams, have a few folks on the bench and a crowd in the stands.

Yeah, Easter dinner in the park is a big deal.

Everyone was just stuck at home, facetiming and wondering, “what next”.

On this coast, Easter was marked by a nice ham and simple fare for dinner. Nothing is particularly different from one day to the next.

Like most of the rest of the country I’m bored and I suspect that the country is getting to the point, that like an overheated boiler it’s going to blow.

How many movies can you watch? How many books can you read? How long before you just don’t give a damn and the need to see something beyond four walls over-rides your fear of an unseen enemy?

The  main stream media is painting a picture of death and destruction. But more and more independent video footage is appearing showing that hospitals aren’t over-run, contrary to what the media is saying. This makes me wonder what the real truth of the situation is. I am thankful the politicians were mostly quiet over the weekend. That was a relief.

I’ve caught up on seasons of SouthPark that I’d missed. I’ve been able to write a bit which is fine but like everyone else I’m restless.

In light of Easter I’m hoping that things will start moving again. That will present a whole new set of challenges but at least it will be different.

We’re looking at generally sunny mild weather for the next week. I’ll get some of the yard work done that I need to do. Hopefully we aren’t going to have another cold snap that dumps snow on us.

Try to keep your head together and remember that this won’t last forever.

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