That was weird

NINWithTeeth.jpgI lost a day, I have no idea where I lost it. But when I woke up this morning, It was a day later than I thought it should be.

Did I sleep a full 24 hours?

I was reminded of NIN “Every Day is Exactly the same”

I know that I didn’t sleep 24 hours, but all my days are running into one another. I guess it’s just that there’s nowhere to go and I’m rapidly losing interest in doing anything around the house.

It’s not that I don’t have stuff to do, It’s that more often than not, when I’m in the midst of doing something I realize that I need something from a store that’s either closed or a place where I’m going to have to stand in line for 30 minutes to get into, or out of the place, possibly both. If all I need is something dumb like a bolt or screws it’s not worth the effort or annoyance. So the project dies right there. 

I’ve been trying to put things on my lists so that when I go somewhere I’m picking up all the little bits at once preferably in one store. Otherwise a mult-store run turns into a whole day affair and the herd tension of the crowds makes me very uncomfortable.

Even the outdoor carwash isn’t working properly. There’s no soap in the spritzer, and many of the wash bays are no longer functional. It’s not like you’re going to violate social distancing and the way the wind whips through the place the likely-hood of contamination is pretty darn low.

But trying to wash the car wear a mask, not have your glasses or sunglasses fog up, plus the lack of soap or working bays has taken even the simple pleasure of washing my car to the depths of despair. 

There are some things that may not be essential services, but they should be allowed to remain open for the positive psychological benefits. I may just wash the car in the front drive, California water restrictions be damned.

At least I’d be outside and doing something different.