Winter is back

IMG 1303It’s that time of year when Nature is annoying as heck.

Up in the mountains we get a couple of days of warm spring weather and then a polar plunge.

Starting Sunday afternoon we were getting rain. Sometime during the night it turned into a slushy snow which continued through Monday. Last night we got more snow and I’m going to be out clearing the driveway, deck, and street.

Visibility is damn near zero right now.

I don’t mind so much if I’ve got nowhere to go. But I do have someplace to go this afternoon. 

There are times when I think nature has an active hatred for me.

With all the weather changes my sinuses go nuts. I don’t have Covid-19 but it sure looks like I do if I head out in public.

There’s good news and bad news with that. People tend to avoid me, which I’m fine with. But these days, the stink-eye you get if you’ve got the sniffles is annoying. 

The other day I watched an adult female have an emotional melt down in a parking lot because someone got too close to her. While I understand and appreciate not wanting to be too close to anyone, I can’t see the point in freaking out about it.

If you’re that terrified, well, stay home. 

This is a function of the 24/7 news cycle talking doom and gloom on every broadcast. People are scared. I get that, but the reality is there’s little you can do about it. I suspect that the majority of us have already been exposed to Covid-19 back in December or January. If you were shopping, or at an airport, or in a plane, you were probably exposed.

Turns out a lot of people are asymptomatic so there’s no way to know for sure if you’ve been exposed without a test. It’s also possible that the “flu” you had was Covid-19 and you’ve gotten over it. 

Don’t get me wrong this virus shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially if you’ve got underlying conditions but this genie’s been out of the bottle for a while now.

So chill out. Things will play out as they’re going to. Blind panic or emotional meltdowns won’t help.

Be smart, try to minimize your contact and try very hard not to think about the filth on the PIN pads that we all have to touch every time we use our debit cards.

Really, don’t think about that. It bugged me before Covid-19, those things are never cleaned, unless someone like me happens to be working on the device. I always cleaned ATM keypads and PIN pads when I repaired them. 

If you, like me, just watch people you’ll know that humans are a filthy animal at the best of times.

Anyhoo… With the change in humidity, pressure, and temperature, my nose is running like a creek. I had just enough spring pollen to activate my allergies, then wham! Cold air outside, combined with the drying effect of the heater running in the house. The math is pretty obvious.

On top of that, I don’t have any face masks. I gave the last ones to a neighbor who was doing some work around their house and forgot to replace them. I don’t even have a bandana since those were lost in the fire 10 years ago.

One of the things about a fire, is that you forget what you don’t have. I didn’t remember that the bandanas were gone until yesterday when I went looking for them. I went to the place that they were stored, and then it hit me. Duh! I’m a moron, it shows how I’ve not been replacing everything that I once had.

Bitten in the butt by my own desire for simplicity… Again!

Ahh if the President don’t need a mask… I’m going to go without one too.

Speaking of simplicity, yesterday I woke up cranky and totally stir crazy. I’ve really got to get out of the house. 

IMG 1301To fight the feeling of boredom I found tinker toys and Lincoln logs that had survived the fire and decided to sort them. I ended up playing with them building stuff and goofing around. It was good therapy after clearing the driveway and street of snow.IMG 1199

Dang near 60 and I’m playing with tinker toys. This lockdown is getting to me.

On the plus side, my cabin fever was significantly reduced, since I wasn’t looking at my computer or other tech.

I guess we all need to just turn off from time to time and let our simpler nature assert itself.

Were I in Florida, I’d be building guns with my Brother, that too is fun. The side benefit is that you see your accomplishment when you’re finished.

I’d love to go to my favorite bar and just have a drink. SO WHAT if I’m saying that at 8:00 in the morning?

I’m not saying I’d go right now, I’m saying it would be nice to take off and have a destination!

I’d head out, enjoy the drive, get a haircut and splurge for a nice barber shave, then head over to the bar and have a drink with real people around me.

That would be nice. I’d probably have to get a hotel room. I haven’t had any alcohol since I came back from Florida. A drink right now would hit me like a ton of bricks!

Not that it would necessarily be bad to have a hotel room. The bar is in a nice warm place and I’d probably nap by a pool  in the sun for a little while.

Maybe I’d even find a way to get into some adult trouble!  Yep, cabin fever is a bitch.

Have a good day and think of me shoveling snow. It’ll make you feel better.