UGH! I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.

Had a bit of a workout yesterday, couple that with the time change and lack of sleep and all I want to do today is nap.

This desire is being fueled to some extent by the overcast weather and the threat of rain. I love to sleep with the sound of rain on the roof. If it starts raining I can tell you that I’ll be napping in no time.

I have managed to clean a little and will clean some more during the day. Got dishes to do and clothes to wash. That being said, I’m feeling a lot lazy today.

Other than just the routine stuff, nothing much else to report.

While reading the various news today I see Coronavirus is still spreading. I also see the political parties are trying to spin it to their respective advantage. That’s cheap and sleazy, there are people that are truly afraid & others that are sick. If there was ever a time for political figures to put down their battle axes it would be now.

Part of your job is to reassure the public. So DO your freakin jobs!

Also saw that Trump declined to attend a St Patrick’s Day luncheon where speaker Pelosi was the host.The media is all up in this saying Trump is an ass for not attending. 

D’uh. On the other side of the coin, perhaps it’s best if we keep those two apart just to avoid further national embarrassment. I can’t say I really blame him for not wanting to attend. No matter what he said, he’s be giving Pelosi ammunition. 

Even if he walked in, said, “Thank you for the invitation. Happy St Patrick’s Day,” then sat down. Pelosi would probably find something to bitch about.

As you may have gathered, I’m totally over their drama and would love it if they’d both sit down and shut up.

Hmmm, I guess I’m a little cranky. 

Maybe it is time for that nap…

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