Okay I may have pissed a friend off

I think my friend wanted or needed compassion and reassurance. I failed him utterly, and I feel bad about that.

We were having a text conversation about Trump and Covid-19.

He was, I think upset about allegations that Trump is withholding resources from States whose Governors hadn’t kissed the ring.

While that might be true and I have no reason to doubt it, and said so, given Trump…

I was perhaps too cold and calculating, Maybe he needed someone to say it’s gonna be okay.

I probably misread the situation…

For me this Covid-19 thing was blatantly obvious back in January.

Look at the data: China closes an industrial center, but doesn’t stop air travel or domestic travel. Travelers from Wuhan arrive in multiple countries either as carriers or not yet sick. Airports are contaminated and a viral outbreak begins.

The logic is this. Once the first carrier arrived in the US, we were going to see deaths. I jumped past all the fear, confusion, mis-information, and panic to Triage mode.

In a coldly logical manner I accepted that deaths were going to be high, (making the assumption that China was not entirely truthful, otherwise why close a major industrial center?) and that the entire world would be affected. From that perspective – I’ve accepted that we were probably unprepared, and that resources would be limited.

Those resources would therefore logically be allocated based on need (raw numbers of infected and dead), not want. I accepted that we would not be able to create what we didn’t already have in less than a couple of months and that our production ability would be hampered by the disease taking it’s toll in a global environment.

A vaccine would be at least a year out if not more.

Politicians or governments wouldn’t be able to do anything but shit themselves, while waving their hands so that they looked like they were doing something in the eyes of a largely ignorant populace.

Their efforts would be to maintain political power. If they survive, their hope is to come out on the other side looking like effective leaders so they can keep their power.

To me, this is all completely logical. It’s the way things work in our world. I neither condone or condemn it. I simply accept that it is a fact.

It’s like water is wet, fire is hot, wind blows, the ground is hard, and Scientists are usually ignored until shit hits the fan.

I call it realism. But perhaps it’s a sign of something darker that I’ve been all my life.

Does this make me a bad person? Does this make me broken?