On The President

First thing:

Every other western country has very specific rules about immigration. For example, I’m too old to immigrate to Australia. Yes, they’re agist about it. In their defense they wouldn’t let me immigrate because I can’t work long enough in their system to pay enough taxes to fund my pension and healthcare post retirement. They are logically limiting the number of people in their country that could be dependent on their form of welfare.

I can’t immigrate to Canada because my skills aren’t in high enough demand versus their own population and therefore it’s likely that I’d be a burden on their society.

Germany would require that I learn the language, German history, and be employable. Unless I was a refugee.

England, has rules very much like the Canadians. I couldn’t immigrate unless I brought skills that were in short supply.

So why then is America “The evil bastard” in the room?

Isn’t it more reasonable for America to institute similar rules to be more in line with other Western countries?

Even Mexico has immigration guidelines.

So why the hypocrisy?

More curious, is why aren’t our media outlets pointing this out? Oh yeah, hatred of Trump.

I was in Palm Springs yesterday.

While waiting at a counter to purchase something, A gentleman volunteered that he’d just moved to Palm Springs from Los Angeles. He said that the traffic in LA had driven him out of the city, but that his out of state friends couldn’t grasp how bad the traffic actually was. The clerk said, “Yes, that’s why I moved out here,” 

The clerk acknowledged me, “Is that all for you?”

I said, “Yes thank you.” Then offhandedly mentioned if you want to give out of town friends a real taste of LA Traffic invite them to LA when the President visits. The clerk laughed, the other man got a sour face and said, “I wouldn’t go anywhere near the President.”

I realized he was thinking only about Trump, so I explained that I meant any President. And that I personally had been stuck in traffic for seven hours due to President Obama’s visit.

The clerk immediately said, “Wasn’t that a cluster fuck?” I agreed and told him eventually I’d weathered the nightmare traffic in a bar.

The newcomer to Palm Springs simply said, “Oh”

It was at that moment that I realized Trump has been living “Rent Free” in a lot of people’s heads. Apparently a significant percentage of these folks somehow think that Trump controls everything.

This dude is only a President. He’s not in direct control of much of anything. He’s bound by rules, regulations, Congress, and the Judicial branch of our government.

Don’t take this to mean that I think Trump is a good president. He’s a bombastic, hyperbolic, rhetoric spouting messenger.

Yes, he can champion initiatives. He can veto bills, He does have some control over the direction the country is heading, (although apparently no control over his tweets,) but if you think of him as generally a messenger, a face of the government, then you might start to see that the real power in Washington is in Congress.

The next logical question to ask is, “What have those assholes done for us lately?” Aside from each party battling the other to complete impotence in virtually every state and the hallowed halls of congress. Really, what have they accomplished?

Following that train of thought, since both the House or the Senate are distracted, It’s only logical that a President might be able to grab more of the reins of power and pursue his or her personal agendas. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Which points right back at the problem. Congress! Were they actually doing their jobs instead of fighting like children, President Trump would just be a “meh” President.

Presidents come and go, some are leaders, others are ventriloquist’s dolls. Others still are rogue operators. History determines what a President was.

President Trump may have correctly identified the problem when he described Washington as a swamp. Hey, give credit where credit is due… However he clearly overestimated his ability to change it.

I know it’s been a while…

I’ve been busy.

Unfortunately not with a real job, unless you call looking for a real job, a job.

I guess you could call it that; lots of busy work and following threads into rabbit holes, ending in dead ends.

I’m in Big Bear for about 5 days. In 2 weeks I’m finally going to take a long overdue trip. I’m going to see my brother and I’m looking forward to it.

Of course the flight is booked on a a 737 (Not the Max) so I don’t think there will be insurance payouts forthcoming. Sorry Bro!  Of other interest is that I’ll be flying, in a closed environment where the spread of various diseases is freaking rampant. 

Coronavirus anyone?

I’m too mean for it to kill me but I’ll probably mutate it into something truly awful.

You’re welcome!

Since I wrote my other blog post about the Coronavirus I’ve been checking in on the disease every couple of days. It’s been interesting to see the narrative change from within China and now watching the world reacting to the virus spread.

Seen the stock market lately?

I really wanted an iPhone 11 max. Sigh…

I’ve particularly been interested in the WHO take on it. In one article, they said that quarantining was a good thing, and in another article they castigate the USA for halting travel from affected nations. Yet Australia does the same thing and the news media plays a cricket soundtrack.


Have we really gotten to the place where hatred of Trump overrides the wellbeing of our nation?

The world said nothing when China locked down millions of people with their travel bans. Although the bans came too late to prevent spread of the Coronavirus.

No one said too much when cruise ships were denied docking privileges, stranding hundreds of people at sea.

But let America institute a moderate travel ban and suddenly the WHO has something to say about it. Must it always just be about hating on Trump?

Trump BTW isn’t the only voice in the travel ban. The CDC has a lot to say about the proper protocol.

If the CDC says get ready and have 2 weeks of food & water laid in at your home, then perhaps it’s not just about Trump. Perhaps the CDC knows something they haven’t shared with the public yet.

After all America is a twitchy place. What would happen if folks in America lit their hair on fire and started running in little circles?

I’ll tell you what would happen; Mad Max in some cities. 

I’m planning on staying away from large population areas as much as possible. Which is not to say I’m canceling my trip. 

I wonder if I can buy a space suit from NASA between now and when I’m supposed to fly?

Humm, there’s a thought.

Nah, they probably wouldn’t let me on the plane.

I am curious to see how many people will be flying with face masks. I wonder if the airports will look like China.


America doesn’t have an official language. (I think I should, but that’s beside the point I’m shooting for.)

I speak American English. I can work with German, French, and Spanish. I am by no means fluent in any of them. That being said I don’t have a problem with broadcast TV or Radio having commercials in other languages. Commercials cater to the demographics of a particular market.

So If I lived in an area that has a high percentage of say, German speaking folks I’d expect to hear commercials in English and German. (In reality, I could be living in the middle of a predominantly German community in America and I’d not hear one commercial in German.)

I actually live in an area with a high percentage of Spanish speaking folks and therefore expect to hear broadcast (by broadcast I mean over the air) TV and Radio commercials in English and Spanish. I’m good with that. Again it’s market demographics.

However, I’m quite confused as to why in my Amazon Prime, and Hulu accounts, where there are specific markers that I prefer ENGLISH, I’m getting commercials and reviews in Spanish and English. It’s about 50/50 lately.

I’m paying for these services. Shouldn’t I have a say in what language is presented? Shouldn’t we all? If you’re paying for a service shouldn’t you have the option to have the service presented in your preferred language?

The vendors paying to have their commercials aired are wasting their money throwing Spanish versions of their commercials into my home.

In fact, I’m less likely to consider shopping those vendors products because I’m annoyed. Not by their product per se, but switching from an American English style of commercial to a  commercial with a Latin flair is jarring.

Latin TV and Commercials are dramatic and attention getting. They’re somewhat reflective of the culture and that’s to be expected. 

When I’m in Mexico I’m always impressed by just how exciting a floor cleaner can be. 

A Mr. Clean commercial in Mexico is very different from a Mr. Clean commercial in America.

As an aside: Fabuloso is actually a nicer product and I use it all the time. Yes, I saw their commercial while in Mexico and when I saw the hotel crew using the product I thought, “That’s a nice smell and based on the bathroom and hotel floors, it works.”  When I saw the product on the shelf in a grocery store stateside I bought it, and have been a happy customer since.

In Mexico, I’m going to do my best to speak, listen, and read Spanish, I’ll even laugh when I blow it and a kind Mexican person corrects my botched sentence in flawless English.

Likewise in French speaking provinces of Canada, I’m going to switch to French and pray that I”m not too offensive with my mispronunciations.

Most of the Mexicans & Canadians I’ve met are very patient, kind, and respectful, that I’m at least trying. Often hilarity ensues when they get what I was trying to say, and then think about how I said it. 

That being said, when I’m home in America, paying for services, I’d like for those services to be presented in my preferred language. 

If I’m brushing up on other languages, I’ll specifically tune in to Univison, CBC en Français, or DW auf Deutsch.

All I’m asking is that my wishes and choices be respected and that other folks wishes and choices be respected too.

Is that too much?