Okay Coronavirus is a big deal…

I said it was gonna be because China quarantining a huge area was a big deal.

But folks… 

Come on, how can you say you’re observing social distancing when you’re packed into CostCo, and virtually every other store thicker than sardines?

Look. Do your normal shopping. Get in, get out, and leave something behind on the shelves for the next folks.

I must say the folks in Northern FL are a lot calmer than the LA folks I left behind. Perhaps it’s a function of population density perhaps, it’s a function of pragmatism.

Thank God the bars are still open here. 

At this point it looks like I can still get home. But if I can’t well I’ll stay right here and if necessary try to locate some kind of job locally and adapt to the new reality.

Worst case scenario. I’l shave my head into a mohawk, outfit a car with steel plating and go “Mad Max” 

I don’t think it’s going to come to that. On the one hand it might be interesting. On the other hand I’m feeling more like Pooh, “Oh Bother!”

Let’s get smart, let’s be kind, let’s understand that this thing is going to do what it’s going to do. It’s not right, wrong, good, or evil, it simply is. 

Panicking isn’t helping. 

Take a breath. Turn off the news for a few hours, read a book. and calm down.

Trust me you can’t stay healthy in a blind panic 24/7.

Stream “The Martian”

Start by solving one problem at a time. Solve the most immediate problem first. Keep solving problems as they arise and we’ll all come through this. We may be forever changed, we’ll probably learn a lot, and the next time we’re presented with an emergency we’ll do better. 

This isn’t the time to play blame X, Y, or Z. Quoting Hillary Clinton, “At this point what does it matter anyway?”

Play the cards we’ve been dealt.

I’m not sure I could carry off the “Mad Max” look, and if I go “Mad Max” you’re not going to like me very much.