There’s always a price

That 9 hours of sleep last night is being offset by sleeplessness tonight.

Not entirely true. I did go to bed at a decent hour and I actually did sleep for a couple of hours. Then I woke up in a panic. I know I was having a nightmare, I don’t know what it was about. All I do know is I woke up in a panic and the adrenaline has me racing.

All is well in the house, everything is quiet and calm… except me!

I’ve made myself a drink and am sipping on it while writing this.

In another 6 minutes I will be another year older. Is that what it is? I’m sitting here in my birthday suit wondering what has freaked me out so much. No answers are forthcoming from my curdled brain.

I hope you’re all reading this at a decent hour over coffee and thanking your lucky stars that you were able to sleep the night.

I’m going to finish my drink and try to go back to sleep.

By the way don’t try reading the news at this hour… It’s not like you’ll find a bunch of fluff puppy or kitty stories. The news is all bad all the time these days.