That’s over!

As I’ve stated, I hate moving.

However I’m out of the San Diego area. Getting out was not without its difficulties. But A Great friend helped me out in so many ways.

I haven’t been sleeping well in the run-up to this move but last night was an all time low for me. maybe one hour of solid sleep, and 4 hours of fitful 10 or 15 minute naps.

Then we were up at dawn, disassembling the remaining furniture and packing final items. Yipee!

By the time we were able to start loading the truck it was already getting hot. By the time we were done we were both wet from sweat and tired.

It took a while for me to turn in the keys to the apartment and even longer at Cox cable to turn in the cable modem. 35 minute waits to turn in equipment? Really? Come on Cox get it together!

It took me almost an hour to finally hit the freeway by which time my Friend was within 30 minutes of the storage facility.

I was freaking out. Then a nice calm seem to fall over the San Diego drivers suddenly space opened up and I could fly.

What I didn’t know at the time was that my friend had been taken on a wild goose chase by his phone navigation lady and the storage facility had developed a leak in the storage unit I’d rented.

When I pulled into the facility, my friend had just started unloading stuff into the new unit and all I had to do was sign some paperwork. 1.5 hours later we were locking the door and heading to drop-off the truck.

So that pain is finished. Now I’m planning to do absolutely nothing for at least the next couple of days.

Hell, I might not even get out of bed!

From what my body is telling me right now… I might not have much of a choice.

I’m looking forward to getting at least a few decent hour sleep. If I’m really lucky… I might get a good solid 8 hours. I’m not holding my breath mind you, but the thought has crossed my mind that this, right now is actually the beginning of my off work downtime.