You know… people really should leave a message

Call center holdingI’m on a call with someone else, and my gym calls. Of course, I couldn’t know they were my gym until I reverse look up their number, I had to do a reverse lookup to figure out who called because god forbid, they’d leave a message OR have an actual identifiable number.

Guess what they’re calling about? I’m sure that it’s because the bank changed my address and even though I changed the address on the Gym’s website I’m fairly sure that they’re calling because the bank refused to pay them on the debit card I provided.

Annoyances, like gnats, seem to be never ending in my world.

I’m waiting on hold, 20 minutes at this point to get through to them so that I can sort this issue out. Sigh… 20 minutes is excessive I’ll admit, but now it’s the principle of the thing. I know it’s nothing to do with the representative I’m trying to reach. They’re just obviously busy. The issue was started by the freakin bank and I’m the one who gets to waste time sorting it out. After all it’s not the banks fault, “We do this for your safety and convenience…” Uh yeah so you say.

Oh well, it gives me time to look for a job, blog, work on a web site. I suppose when I get bored with all those things, I could rub one out… That’s healthy right? I won’t I know that by the time I’m really into it someone will answer the phone and then hang up on me because they think is an obscene call. Weird, now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Shutterstock 417051781Apparently, their phone system hangs after 30 minutes. Not cool, I’ve dialed back… IT’S ON NOW bitches!

I’m trying to get out of San Diego, and as part of that I’m trying get things sorted out before that move because I’m going to be in no mood to deal with petty assed shit when the move is completed.

But the really annoying thing is that whoever called me form the gym couldn’t be bothered to leave a message and that’s just flat unprofessional.

Killed one AirPod between the previous call and the hold time with the gym. Thank goodness I was only using one at a time. Switched over to the right ear. Left ear is recharging.

The hold music is very annoying and I could see people being really pissy when they finally get through to a representative. I do hope they don’t just turn the phone system off at 5:00. That would really piss me off.

What was it I said about customer / technical support a while ago? Not very supportive and it will only get worse. I’m sure that the poor person on the other end of this line is stressing. I’m going to be nice if they’re here in this country. if they’re not… I may be a bit cranky. 

47 Minutes and holding…


OK, so this is funny. While I was searching the web for appropriate photos that expressed my situation. (I typed Hold Times in Google) and came up with images of oral sex, lesbians touching dicks for the first time, and various other… stranger, pictures of people engaging in sex.

I guess I’m not the first person to think of sex while waiting on hold.