Okay, not ranting a lot, but…

When did tissue manufacturers forget how to put the tissues in the boxes in a way that you can pull one out of the box at a time instead of arbitrarily wadding.

It’s super weird, I used to think it was because we purchased the cheap stuff. But for shits & giggles I’ve purchased a variety of manufacturers products.

They all have the same problem. I thought perhaps it was the cube shaped boxes versus the rectangular boxes. So I’ve tried both. Same problem…

So apparently even the quality of tissue cannot be guaranteed.

I remember not too long ago, tissues was one of the things that you purchased, put on the counter in your bathroom and didn’t think about again until you pulled the last tissue from the box and realized you’d neglected to purchase a replacement box.

In my case, that meant using paper towels, or grabbing a handful of napkins from Carls Jr the next day at lunch. I tried very hard to only go to the grocery store once a week.

I guess my question is how are we regressing on things that have been stable and functional for literally decades? It’s a box of tissue. Boxes of tissue worked fine, they didn’t need tweaking, they worked well exactly as they were.

They worked so well that Howard Hughes used the empty boxes as house shoes!

I’ve noticed in the case of the cube shaped boxes that the dimensions have been changed. I don’t know why, but I can tell you that Puffs specifically will not fit into a metal tissue box holder I’ve been using without issue for 15 years.

So to all you tissue manufacturers, “What is going on?”

Have you decided to have your tissue manufactured in China? Have the Chinese deviated from specification, as they so often do?

Am I the only one who’s noticing?

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