What a Surprise!

Hunter Biden is being given a plea deal. Well who the heck could have seen that coming?

There’s an article in The Hill this morning. Here’s the link if you want to read it.

The Biden family’s breathtaking corruption never ceases to amaze. As a TV show, it would be great entertainment. As reality, it’s just sickening.

And these people laugh all the way to the bank.

The administration is hoping that by serving up Hunter, it will appease the mob and prevent the White House Press Secretary from dealing with distracting headlines.

They’re missing the point. Karine Jean-Pierre creates a lot of distracting headlines all by herself with her mind boggling answers or more precisely non-answers to questions. I didn’t think it possible, but the Biden White House found someone worse than Jen Psaki.

Jean-Pierre, checks all the boxes save one, She’s cute, She’s black, She’s a lesbian, She’s a woman, (although sadly not Trans,) and with all that going for her, she’s dumb as a bag of rocks. Wait, maybe she does check all the boxes after all.

I’d imagine it’s easier to lie with a straight face if you are unable to actually think about what you’re saying.

That was Psaki’s downfall. She wasn’t quite dumb enough. You could tell she was lying because she still had a flicker of intelligence and hadn’t quite managed to extinguish all of her morality. It showed in her face. Interestingly, she kept looking more and more haggard through her tenure. I guess lying that much would be exhausting.

Well we know how this story ends. All the charges against Hunter will vanish. The corruption investigation into the Biden family will drag on & on until everyone is so tired of it no-one is paying attention anymore.

Then it will either vanish, or turn into a cushy job for the favored of Washington elites where tens of millions of dollars go in and nothing of use comes out.

This is one of the reasons the founding fathers were in favor of small government with limited powers. They’d studied how monarchies began, grew, aged, and fell.

There’s a very predictable and discernible pattern. All governments near their end undergo a period of massive corruption followed by putrefaction and then they’re plowed under by something claiming to be new or better.

“Better” is entirely subjective. Better for whom is a more appropriate question.

The Biden administration is simply an erupting pustule denoting the corruption extant within our government. What is impossible to determine at the moment is; are we in the latter stages of our government’s death or are we actually in the putrefaction stage?

Biden himself might be the perfect poster child if our form of government is in the last days of life. Doddering, Senile, Mercurial, and Lost.

None of these things are good with a nuclear armed country or person with launch codes.

On the plus side, we’ll have the reality TV show known as Trump.

Will Donald have to go to prison? Will he be President? Will he be President While in Prison? For the answers to these questions, and more tune in next week. Same time, same channel. This show brought to you by Pfizer and now a word about health from St Fauci.

It’s sickening top to bottom. It’s been said, “When rape is inevitable, try to enjoy it.” That may be the only choice any of us are left with.