Almost got me…

I was looking at Twitter. I’ve been debating about getting back into it. I suppose the better description is choosing to allow Twitter back into my life.

I ran across this tweet from Shannon Watts and my first instinct was to comment on it by pointing out that Ms. Watts can’t count.

There are only eleven humans in the picture not 24. I’d like to tell her and a lot of folks that words matter.

I’ll allow that the DeSantis flag might be associated with the group of eleven people but honestly it appears that it’s offset, and may have been there previously. There are two people in the left of the photo that may not be associated with the group.

They could be standing there thinking, “What the shit is this? My granddaddy got his ass shot to keep assholes like this out of our country!”

What stopped me was that I didn’t have a Twitter account and after seeing Shannon Watts tweet, I’ve decided to hold off rejoining Twitter.

After all it was people like her that devalued Twitter’s utility for me in the first place.

The Shannon Watts, of Twitter could literally say anything they wanted to. Those of us who opposed them, or presented alternate verifiable information or just expressed a different opinion would get thrown in twitter jail.

Here again Shannon Watts paints an entire party based on the actions of a few.

So lets do this.

The Democratic Party in 2023.

See Ms Watts, that shit cuts both ways!