I was trying to write something about stuff the pisses me off.

You’d think it would be easy. That’s the problem it’s too easy and there’s simply too damn much that pisses me off.

How can I possibly pick and choose?

One of the things that keeps popping up again and again is this Trans Crap.

I’m over it!

I am not and do not want to be associated with any of these events, or people.

Who you sleep with is nobody’s fucking business. I think most, if not all, of us in the LGB community are just as sick as the straight community is, of having TRANS Shit shoved down our throats 24/7.

To be clear, a lot of the LGB folks want a divorce from the T and rest of the alphabet soup folks.

The “T” and whatever the hell other “letter people” don’t represent the mainstream of the LGB folks and have completely hijacked whatever normalcy in society we’d managed to win.

These dumb fuckers have set us all back to the ‘80-90’s where normal folks think LGB folks are coming to corrupt their children. We’re not! But the “T” and alphabet folks are dragging the rest of us into their psychosis.

To be clear you don’t wake up one sunny morning and decide you’re not the gender you were born. You don’t come to the conclusion that you need to cut body parts off, over an overpriced Starbucks coffee and scone. Or for that matter, Legos and Barbies.

Even the real Transgender folks are being dragged along by a bunch of deranged jackasses, for whom “Non-binary” or “Trans” is trendy.

Here’s a newsflash dumbasses. Non-binary isn’t anything new. Human beings have always lived and acted in a sexual continuum. Very few people are completely straight or completely gay. Creating a term, then publicizing that term is nothing more than the HRC, and other money grabbing organizations way of remaining relevant.

If Non-binary is what you need to give yourself permission to sleep with whoever, or experiment with your sexuality then fine.

Just remember it’s not a fucking new thing, we’ve all gotten drunk, been horny, and woke up naked with a hangover, and someone we didn’t expect snoring beside us.

A lot of the more mature folks in our society, (not by age, but by attitude,) simply got up, and owned that things might have gotten a little out of hand. Most of us put a pin in the acts and / or gender of the person we’d done those acts with, and the associated ramifications until the hangover was gone.

I don’t give a runny shit about the “T” alphabet morons anymore. I used to care because I knew folks who were part of the real, (super small,) T community that actually did believe with all their hearts and proved out via psychological counseling that they were in the wrong skin.

Those people would forgive me for being done with all this madness. I’m willing to bet that they’re over it too.

I always wanted to live someplace where sex and sexuality was tacitly acknowledged. Yeah, we all fuck, yeah we all like it, yeah we have preferred partners, end of discussion. NEXT! We almost got there, maybe next time…

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