Well now, Time for another week of Biden Follies

Please note, ‘biden’ is hereinafter defined as a “fuck-up of epic proportions.”

The beauty of this is “Biden” and “biden” are completely interchangeable.

Therefore, I can write this blog well in advance. (sort of like the media did for Trump’s mean tweets.) The President and his Democratic cronies will, without any doubt provide fodder for me to make fun of, over the weekend.

That’s the saddest thing about the people controlling the levers of power.

I can count on any or all of them to ‘biden’ it reliably.

It’s a pity they cannot be relied upon to actually do their jobs or be constructive in any way.

Last week we had all the noise about photos of border patrol riding horses and the way the photos appeared, made it look like the split reins were being used to “whip” illegals coming across the border.

Maxine Waters said, “It looked like slavery” (As if she would know…) Looks are not necessarily truth and the ignorance demonstrated by the politicians in Washington DC is astounding.

With very few exceptions, the members of Congress have never been within 1000 feet of a horse.

(This image is one that’s been peddled as horrific evidence that the border patrol was whipping an illegal. But if you really take a look at the image, the border patrol agent’s right hand is grabbing the illegals shirt. The rein is simply blowing in the wind, because that agent dropped the rein to grab the illegal.)

The shrill men & women claiming that the illegals were being whipped, are the same people who’d not have the sense to avoid horse shit with their Jimmy Chu’s or Ferragamo’s.

Cowgirl Barrel Racing At A Small Rodeo Arena

But once again, truth, or reality, mean nothing. So the biden administration is doing what it does best.

(Looking at the photos from the border, I was reminded of barrel racing. Here’s a photo of a woman getting ready to maliciously beat a barrel with her reins.


Horse mounted border patrol agents are apparently going to be forbidden.

I’m sure that in the coming weeks there will be injuries to border patrol who have to walk the crowd, and there are sure to be more drownings of the illegals.

I say this because horses are flexible animals. A rider on a horse can, with relative safety walk the horse into a river and assist someone who is being swept downriver. ATVs can do some of this work, but not in 3 or 4 feet of water. From a horse, the rider can concentrate on helping someone, from an ATV not so much.

It’s obvious why too. The horse has a brain. The horse will move to better footing and maintain a position all by itself. Leaving the rider to throw a rope to someone if necessary.

Horses also have a bit of sense. When the rider tells a horse to move out of a river, or across rough terrain, the horse will pick a path that most often works. (Horses don’t like falling down any more than we do.) Which is probably why the border patrol agents chose horses over ATVs in the first place. It’s simple common sense, (a.k.a. Horse sense,) they chose the best method for the environment they operate in.

Once the horses are removed from the equation, and the injuries to both border patrol and illegals increase I’m sure we’re going to hear from Congress about how unacceptable it is that illegals are not being treated well. They’ll be remarkably silent about the border patrol officers that are laid up with injuries.

In that environment and rough terrain, I’d choose a horse.

As an aside, it’s been 50 years since I was on a horse. Horses and I don’t generally get along with each other.

I’d add one more reason for using a horse. If I got hurt, provided I could get on my horse, I know that even if I was unconscious the horse could take me back to the barn.

ATV’s aren’t nearly that smart.

We all know this political monster we’ve allowed to be created will remain silent and do nothing to help the border patrol. The evidence supports this assessment.

The current administration and our politicians will do anything to destroy our country.

In that task, they are devastatingly efficient.

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