Still making progress cleaning…

I think the shredder is going to give up the ghost though.

Poor thing keeps overheating, I may have to resort to using the firepit to get rid of the tons of papers that all have critical information on them. 

Why does every “Special Offer” have to have my name all over it? Why are all these “Special Offers” odd sizes and printed on card stock? A better question is, “Why am I getting all these ‘Special Offers’ in the first place? I didn’t ask to be on any of these lists in the first place.”

Banks could lower their operating costs if they’d stop sending out trivial notices. Here’s an example; One bank sends out a one page notice if you add your credit card to Apple Pay. They send another one page notice if you deactivate your card on Apple Pay, they’ll send another one page notice if you contact them on the phone.

The phone notice is really dumb because whatever changes you made, you made while you were on the phone with them and during the call, you’ve had to verify that you were who you said you were with a series of signs / countersigns and a text message verification code.

I’ve worked in defense department buildings on top secret projects that were less secure.

This particular bank has ticked me off. I’m trying to figure out how to get away from doing business with them altogether. 

That being said, if you’re doing troubleshooting with their card, and Apple Pay, you could conceivably get 5 or 10 individual notices during the course of your troubleshooting.

As an aside, I no longer have their card on Apple Pay.

I’m just working to pay the balance off and then I’m cancelling the card.

OH I KNOW! Cancelling the card will negatively affect my credit rating. You know what? There comes a time when you just don’t give a damn anymore. I’m there!

In truth, I’m looking at all my credit cards and figuring out which ones are worth my time. High interest cards are all on the chop. Companies that have treated me well over the years and who are not difficult to deal with will remain in my wallet.

I guess the lockdown, aside from making me a crazy person is having some positive benefits. 

God help annoying businesses when locked down folks have time to focus on their annoying behavior and time to spend on the phone firing them.

I’ve got a list and I’m working through it. I’m dumping all the parasitic companies that provide no real value.

What’s out of your wallet?

Going a little stir crazy

DSC 1568I haven’t been wasting the time but I had a taste of warm weather and sunshine in Florida. 

Then I came back here and it was cool, okay I’m in the mountains I expect it this time of year. I adapted, knowing that it was going to start warming up.

Now winter is back. It snowed last night and I’m more than ready to be outside doing spring/summer things. 

During this lockdown the freeways are empty and it’s one of those times when it would be bliss to get in the car and actually be able to have some fun. Open road, light traffic, and 310 HP, Wheeee!

That’s not to be though. Most of the local places I’d go to are closed.

They even closed Joshua Tree. At the height of the season, I’ve never been within 50 feet of another person there, unless I brought them.

I anticipate that once they end the lockdown people are going to go nuts. There’s going to be mind boggling traffic at all hours of the day and night just because people will be able to come and go as they please. Shopping centers will probably be crowded like Black Friday.

The Twitter feed is loaded with people who are just as bored and restless as I am. They’re entertaining themselves in a variety of interesting ways. Some, more interesting than others and I’m not complaining.

I’m only 4 days into this, what am I going to be like at day 30?

Back to making the place house beautiful…

Hope you’re having a good day.

I’ve been getting these…

Panic RoomMy friends are a motley bunch.

I love them but we all have a dark sense of humor.

I’m thinking I’ll start posting some of the fun images and movies regarding the Coronavirus on this page.

We’ll see how it goes.

Here’s the first installment.

The Sneeze IMG_1242.MOV

Rustic TP quilted_northern.mp4

A mask in a pinch VID-20200324-WA0000.mp4

Then there was this jewel:

Quarantine Diary

● Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem.

● I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator.

● Still haven’t decided where to go for the upcoming Holidays —– The Living Room or The Bedroom.

● Helpful Hint: Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.

● I don’t think anyone expected that when we changed the clocks we’d go from Standard Time Zone to the Twilight Zone.

● This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house and told my dog. We laughed a lot.

● So, after this quarantine, will the producers of ‘My 600 Pound Life’ just find me or do I find them?

● Quarantine Day 5: Went to this restaurant called THE KITCHEN. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business.

● My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet.

● I’m so excited — it’s time to take out the garbage. What should I wear?

● I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyarda. I’m getting tired of Los Livingroom.

(Please note, I make no money from these images / movies. I’m sharing them to help keep everyone’s spirits up. If you own the image / movie and want me to remove it please let me know.)

California is locked down

OH God!

I’m gonna lose my mind.

I really would rather be out wandering around, but there’s little point to going anywhere since most of the places I’d like to go are Closed for the duration I’m pretty sure that this genie is out of the bottle. Fine! I’ll stay at home and go quietly insane from boredom.

You’d think there would be movies I wanted to watch on one of the streaming services. Nope! Anything I’m watching at this point is mostly out of boredom. Remember I’ve been looking for a job for 6 months, so I’ve already been home way more than I’d have liked to be.

I’ve watched most anything that caught my interest after exhausting the job search from 5 to 12. My schedule was usually, get up, have coffee, search for jobs, have lunch, then watch a movie.

I’m movied out. I’ve considered adding to my Itunes collection but a lot of the movies I’d like to add are $20 and that gets really expensive really fast. I’ve noticed that since the Coronavirus hit Apple isn’t discounting movies like they were.  Makes sense, they’ve got a captive audience right? Why discount anything if you’re one of the only suppliers and you know that people will pay top dollar to entertain themselves or their children for a couple of hours.

I do finally know what it takes for me to do shit around the house that I don’t really want to do.  Make me stay home where the distractions are limited and I’m looking hard for a reason not to look at my computer.

I’ve started reconfiguring my home network… Just for the fun of it. Now, that’s freaking sick!

So today I’m shredding old paperwork and statements that have been scanned or that I’ve  downloaded and filed.

Why am I blogging you ask? Because the shredder is overheated and I’m waiting for it to cool down.

I swear I need one of those CIA grade shredders!

On the plus side, the stacks of paperwork to be shredded have diminished by quite a bit. Talk about a fire hazard!

Why do banks insist on sending the most useless bits of paper? Yeah, I know I added your freaking card to apple pay. I had to call you to do it so why are you sending me 3 individual letters stating that I did it on 3 devices?

Really? Are you trying to kill a forest?

Shredder is cooled down again… 

Back to my imitation of a Hillary Clinton Aide.

It was weird flying.

IMG 1270The planes & airports were empty.

I was amused by people wearing “Fashion Masks” and bandanas across their faces. Uh yeah right, that’s going to help.

But you’ll look cool no matter what.


I noticed a number of freaky people and thought, “Wow, look at those freaks.” Then I realized I was right there among them so what did that make me?

Never Mind!

The airline counter people were re-balancing passenger seating to keep us away from each other (social distancing) and also to keep the load balanced in the plane.

I’ve always been good with social distancing.

The bald guy up there was an old codger who in an empty terminal sat down right next to me. Under any circumstances I’d have been uncomfortable with that. (What, do I have a sign that says, “Hey I’m friendly. Please annoy the shit out of me.” 

Anyway, I got up and started wandering around the empty terminal. 

We boarded the plane and immediately he’s fiddling with all the buttons and air vents in not only his overhead, but the one in front of him.

It was at that point I decided to simply go to sleep. When I woke up in Dallas, the few of us on the plane had to wait for him at the end of the ramp because he stopped in the doorway to get his bearings. Oblivious to the fact that there were other people behind him who couldn’t exit into the terminal.

I swear, this guy needed a leash and a responsible person to keep his hand off things and make sure he wasn’t in the way.

Eventually he moved so that he could ask a ticket agent where he was, and how to get to the next flight. The rest of us were greatly relieved when we were moving again.

The flight from Dallas wasn’t as empty but I slept through it too.

First time I’ve flown in a decade and well… not much has changed.