It was weird flying.

IMG 1270The planes & airports were empty.

I was amused by people wearing “Fashion Masks” and bandanas across their faces. Uh yeah right, that’s going to help.

But you’ll look cool no matter what.


I noticed a number of freaky people and thought, “Wow, look at those freaks.” Then I realized I was right there among them so what did that make me?

Never Mind!

The airline counter people were re-balancing passenger seating to keep us away from each other (social distancing) and also to keep the load balanced in the plane.

I’ve always been good with social distancing.

The bald guy up there was an old codger who in an empty terminal sat down right next to me. Under any circumstances I’d have been uncomfortable with that. (What, do I have a sign that says, “Hey I’m friendly. Please annoy the shit out of me.” 

Anyway, I got up and started wandering around the empty terminal. 

We boarded the plane and immediately he’s fiddling with all the buttons and air vents in not only his overhead, but the one in front of him.

It was at that point I decided to simply go to sleep. When I woke up in Dallas, the few of us on the plane had to wait for him at the end of the ramp because he stopped in the doorway to get his bearings. Oblivious to the fact that there were other people behind him who couldn’t exit into the terminal.

I swear, this guy needed a leash and a responsible person to keep his hand off things and make sure he wasn’t in the way.

Eventually he moved so that he could ask a ticket agent where he was, and how to get to the next flight. The rest of us were greatly relieved when we were moving again.

The flight from Dallas wasn’t as empty but I slept through it too.

First time I’ve flown in a decade and well… not much has changed.