Well, my car is finally coming home.

Meh, So what?

IMG 1159Between the insurance fiasco, and the expense to repair it I’m not sure that I’ll be as in love with it as i was.

As a side bonus, It will be done in time for me to sit in New Years Eve traffic coming up the mountain. Thrilling! Yea!

And it’s gonna cost me 2000.00 out of pocket.That’s a lot of money. Even more so when you’re out of work.

But on the bright side I’ll be able to open my garage without parking, tromping up the stairs, opening the garage, tromping back down stairs, and pulling into the garage. Now to get some proper chains for it for the season…

IMG 1164This is going to probably result in my changing insurance companies. My current company is not the company that they used to be.

Of course I’ll be taking pictures (A LOT of pictures) when I pick it up. That way I’ll have proof that the car was repaired properly and if there’s a problem… The next insurance company, BMW Financial, and anyone else who’d need to know will not have the ability to say something didn’t happen when I said it did.

IMG 1176Note: I might be a good idea to take completely panoramic pictures when you first get a car, to document the condition the vehicle is in before you take it out on the road. Just as a protection against your insurance company trying to shirk their responsibility. Remember, they’re for profit companies.

Second Note: If you’re dealing with medical insurance companies tell them noting more than they need to know. They’ll put anything you mention to your doctor into your files and try to call those things pre-existing conditions. While they can’t necessarily deny you insurance these days, they CAN up the rates to “Cover these conditions” to the point that they’re more expensive than your mortgage payment. Again, they’re for profit companies.

Contrary to popular belief… NOTHING IS FREE!


Okay, my car is home in the garage. It looks good even though it had a bit of a nose job.

For what it’s worth… It put a smile on my face when I saw it. 

Even more so when I got in and drove it away.

The only down side is that they had to power it down completely so it had to be reprogrammed. Which means that all my personal settings were lost too. Ah Well, I’ll have to spend some time setting everything back up. The seat settings in particular, ever noticed that when you get your car back from the shop the seat is never comfortable for at least a day or two?

So happy new year I’m turning off the lights, locking the door and going into hibernation. 

Hopefully 2020 will be a better year.

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