Happy New Decade

fireworks.jpgI hadn’t really thought about the change in Decade.

A lot has happened in that decade not all good and not all bad.

I was coming into this New Years as just another year. It is just another year, but we should also acknowledge the 10 year mark.

As I thought about it, I’m ready to put the previous 10 years behind me and look forward to a new beginning. 

Hopefully this decade will be kinder than the last one to me personally, and also to humanity in general.

So what does this new decade hold? Nobody knows, it’s an unwritten chapter and it’s up to us to write it. 

Let’s start with being kinder to each other and less judgmental. Perhaps that’s the only resolution we should work toward. Maybe all the rest will just fall into place. 

It’s probably an overly optimistic view. But I’m going to cling to it for as long as I can.

This year I have only a one word resolution.


That covers it all, and it’s achievable. 

I need to change my career, life, and everything. 

So this year I’m going to try very hard to reinvent myself, find peace, and joy. In the process hopefully I can be better to myself and others.

So that’s it. I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday and a fantastic new year and decade.

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