Happy Day after Christmas

The Formerly Clear DeckAlthough I should be calling it The Day After Which I’ll be watching later today.

As predicted, the storm front came in and has been dumping snow since about 10PM last night, Thus far it has not let up, and probably won’t until sometime tomorrow.

I haven’t begun clearing anything because it’s almost pointless. The snow plows haven’t been up the main street and until they come through no-one is going anywhere.

On the plus side there won’t be any skiers up today. They’re all sitting on the I-15 waiting to be turned around and sent home or over to Big Bear. That is, if Big Bear has their roads cleared.

Right now my town is cut off. Can’t get to the freeway, and even the back ways out of town are closed. I’m not even sure I could hike to the center of town right now with the drifts as high as they are.

The furthest I've been outside So it’s a hot chocolate snooze on the couch kind of day. 

On a somewhat amusing note. Some new neighbors moved in and apparently weren’t told that we live on a private street. That means they didn’t know that they were going to be responsible for digging themselves out of the snow if they had to go somewhere.

We’ll see how long they last…

One family didn’t even think to buy snow shovels. I guess they figured they were buying a house in Disneyland where everything would be magically done for them.

Muhahahah! Welcome to reality!

In truth we do help each other out, but the look on the new neighbor’s face was really funny when we dropped the bomb on ‘em. I loaned them a couple of spare shovels.

I refrained from saying, “Now get to work.”

I was tempted but didn’t. I guess they’re from Los Angeles. They were freaked out enough.

On the plus side, they probably paid too much for their new house and that means my property value went up. 

Stay warm & safe. If you don’t have to be out on the roads stay home. You can shop tomorrow.