Trump Impeached!

PelosiBig Deal! So What!

Trump is still The President, Mike Pence is next in line. By the time the House gins up enough to impeach Pence, it’ll be 2 years into the NEXT President’s term.

So no, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton will still NOT be President.

Trump is 3 years into a 4 year term. Given the speed with which the House & Senate act, this impeachment process could last beyond Trump’s presidency. 

America, this has all been a dog & pony show. Produced and staged for your amusement to divide the country. 

TrumpDon’t we have bigger issues?

Isn’t our expectation of Congress that they work on governing the country?

Have our expectations dropped so low, or have we become so self involved that we don’t see the fundamental failure of our politicians to do their jobs.

Have the homeless been helped?

Has our healthcare system been made affordable?

Do children in our country go to bed cold and hungry?

Have problems in our primary and secondary educational system been addressed?

Do some families of our military still rely on food stamps to make ends meet?

Does our legal system work uniformly and with equality for all of our citizens?

Do we have a good accounting of just where our tax dollars go and a balanced budget?

Have our power needs, and infrastructure repairs been addressed?

These are the very basic issues our government is supposed to address. Have they been?

Nope, not really.

Instead of our politicians addressing these fundamental issues with intellect and creativity we’ve been distracted and deluded by the “Show” in Washington. 

How much has this cost us? You know “We the People” and for what? What value did we get for that investment? We impeached a President that is 3/4 of the way through his term. Big Deal!

The one truism of any organization, including the US government, is that delay in addressing problems makes the cost increase exponentially over time.

That is what our government has done. They’ve delayed addressing the basics for nothing more than political aggrandizement. Pelosi et al. have won nothing, achieved nothing, and provided no tangible value. 

I point at Pelosi, but the truth is the Republican party is just as much to blame.

The one thing I agree with President Trump about is that the swamp in Washington needs to be drained.  All of it!

There are too many backroom deals, and too much money changing hands that is not in the interest of the American People. The kind of corruption we’re seeing now is like a cancer and it’s spreading.

Washington dc swampWE the People need to pump industrial strength bleach into our government. That is done simply by refusing to vote for the incumbents who have consistently and with, dare I say… Malice, encouraged or allowed the corruption to stand.

No Representative or Senator needs to be in office for a lifetime and we have exactly that situation.

This leads naturally to “back scratching” that shouldn’t be part of our government process.

So when you’re presented with the opportunity to vote in this next election. Vote your conscience not necessarily your party.

The people you vote for should have to earn your vote. Not with promises they’ll never fulfill but with actions, honesty, and integrity. 

In a “cancel culture” such as we now have it should be pretty easy to figure out who’s in politics because they have no other marketable skills.

If the candidate you’re considering is a lawyer who’s never won a case, or a businessman that’s never had a successful business, they’re probably not someone you should hand the reins of the country to.

Just some food for thought.