I’m a bit Bah Humbug today

Not that I didn’t have a great time with shopping for the past two days.

I had a totally great time and ton of laughs, plus a ton of walking. All of which are very good for my state of mind.

IMG 1070However, I’m dealing with car issues. My baby is at the dealership needing about $1500 in repair (Thank you California Freeways and Semi Trucks who insist on running on retreads that leave debris allover the roads) It really is time for a superfund that truck drivers MUST pay into so that the damage they cause can be paid for. 

That Superfund could  be used as incentive for all the truck drivers to operate their multi-ton instruments of destruction more safely.

That being said, the dealership has all the proper parts in stock and if I was paying for the repair, instead of the insurance company, I’d have my car back by late this afternoon.

Since the insurance company is paying for it, they’re insisting that an adjuster inspect the car adding 3 to 5 days to the whole process.

Including rental car fees and general inconvenience to all concerned. For that piddly sum, why bother? The car is at an authorized repair facility, specific to the vehicle. The Insurance company themselves prefers OEM parts. So it should be a no brainer. Alas… It’s not!

But that’s the way they want to waste their money, fine with me! Unfortunately they’re wasting ALL our money in the process.

Since I was dealing with insurance companies I figured, “I’ll deal with health care Insurance.”

What could possibly go wrong? 


I was quoted $795.00 per month for high deductible medical Insurance with no dental or vision. Say what?

That’s more than my car payment and as much as my mortgage payment.


One month of health insurance would cost me more than 1 year of the cost of my single medication for which I’m paying cash, out of pocket right now.

Uhhh NO! This speaks to a system that is so horribly broken I can’t even begin to describe it. While the Doctors and Hospitals are partially to blame. I contend that ultimately the fault for outrageous health care costs, lies squarely with the Insurance companies themselves. 

These are the same organizations that came into existence to help you plan for the worst. They were supposed to be, “you pay a little monthly so that you don’t have to cough up a huge chunk of cash IF something bad happens,” 

Clearly these companies are not what they once were and I contend that these companies should be thoroughly investigated and perhaps stripped of their business licenses. I’m stopping short of having their entire executive staffs whipped naked through the streets of every city in America.

That being said, they should be forced to return their huge profits to the individuals they STOLE from or their heirs.

I have wondered and continue to wonder what would happen if every single person in America simply refused to pay these excessively high, no, usury rates. This is no longer providing a service, this is flat out extortion. 

It’s time for our wonderful Congress to apply racketeering laws to the Insurance industry. Oh wait… our wonderful Congress is in bed with the insurance industry. Could we use the racketeering laws to clean out the corruption in congress?

Hum… there’s a thought!

You want to curb homelessness? Stop making people decide between health insurance and paying their mortgage!

That path to health insurance is a dead issue! 

I do wonder if I should get into politics. I wouldn’t run on a Make America Great Platform… I’d go for a “Fix America for All” platform.

My FAFA plan would be to take each fucked up broken aspect of our country and start fixing it. Start with Health insurance… Everybody who can pay for policies does and they pay an affordable rate, Say never more than 250 per moth per person. Streamline the Medical Professionals interaction with insurance companies making it less burdensome therefor reducing the cost overhead on the medical professionals. That should drive down costs because then it would be cheaper for the Medical folks to actually do their jobs, you know, “Treating Patients!”

FAFA could then take a look at the pharmaceutical industry and start asking why the medications cost so much in America, (Even though many of the drugs are manufactured overseas) Then we bring these drug costs into line with their actual value how much do they cost to make? How much did they cost to research? From there the costs would be normalized and the companies would still make decent profits.

Has it ever occurred to you, if we in America pay $25.00 a pill and that same pill is $5.00 in any other country, that Americans are in effect paying for all the research and development costs but 3rd world countries are reaping the benefits? In effect, American citizens are footing the bill not only for themselves and their families, but we’re also paying for the rest of the world?

Not only do our tax dollars get sent to prop up some shit hole country but with the additional costs we bear we’re subsidizing their socialized medicine too.

Moving on…

Now that I think about it.

The Mafia got into trouble for doing the same thing the insurance companies do.

One difference is that the Mafia only kills those what need killin.

Insurance companies kill indiscriminately and capriciously. 

There’s little difference in my mind between a couple of Mafia guys telling you, “Pay us and your granny’s house ain’t gonna burn down,” or an insurance company telling you, “make your payment and we’ll keep your granny’s oxygen tanks coming.”

In fact, the mafia guys are probably nicer to deal with because unlike an insurance company, they have faces.

Okay, now I’m moving on!

Time to take out my frustrations on the snow that’s piling up in the driveway.

Have a nice Thanksgiving Eve everyone.


 I noticed a glaring error in my post. I meant to say never more than 250 per person. I I’ve amended the text.