You know, this is out of hand…

Chick-Fil-A.jpgLooks like Chick-Fil-A is withdrawing it’s donations to charity organizations which are associated with religious organizations or organizations which are anti-LGBT.

They’re doing this apparently in response to the protests from the LGBT community.


Saw this on Twitter:

Congratulations to the LGBT community for becoming EXACTLY what we’ve fought against, for decades.

We wanted nothing more than equality and freedom to live without condemnation, now LGBT has taken up the whip and become the new task master. Good Job!

There are a lot more comments on Twitter about it. Many of these are from the LGBT community stating, “it’s not enough”

Really? Not Enough? What exactly would be enough?

Would you be satisfied with the nationally televised public castration of the executives of the company, followed by drawing and quartering and the murder of their families? Would that be enough?

For fuck sake! You dumb motherfuckers! You won! Accept the win graciously, you don’t have to be dicks.

Oh wait, you do don’t you?

God forbid, you’d be able to have the good grace to move on. There’s no way in hell that you could possibly allow someone to have beliefs or make choices different from yours. 

Of course, the real question I have is… Are these your beliefs or are you parroting what you’ve been told by others? 

Did any of you stop for a second to think that regardless of Chick-Fil-A’s donations to Christian charities; That money was helping people who needed help?

Doesn’t the availability of help mitigate from whom that help is being provided? I suppose that the availability of help is only “good” when the help in question is provided to organizations “Approved” by the  “Leaders” of the LGBT community. 

Do you ever wonder about, or ask about the rest of the community?

This lack of awareness may be why so many “Average” LGBT people are not participating in the community. You’ve become like a political party that no longer represents its constituents.

Keep your heads up your asses. I’d say that the rest of us are about done with you.

In time I suspect the world will look on you with a mixture of revulsion and pity, then you’ll be forgotten. Your curse will be obscurity. 

Who knows? I might live just long enough to see it happen.