When I buy a Season Pass from iTunes…

I expect that for the price of that Season Pass, I won’t have to watch a bunch of commercials.

I’m even less interested in seeing a bunch of commercials for shows that I’ve shown absolutely zero interest in watching.

Really? 2 to 5 minutes of commercials embedded in the episode download? That’s not what I paid for. Worse yet, the commercials are for the same un-interesting FX productions over and over again, and will become outdated in six months.

Screen Shot 2019 11 16 at 11 27 54 AMI expect Season Passes to be commercial free.

FX obviously didn’t agree. 

None of the rest of the Archer seasons have commercials.

It’s annoying.

I’ll also be weighing the purchase of any future FX season passes because of this experience.

It’s a pity because there are a couple of other FX shows that I actually would be interested in owning. But not with commercials.

So If you’re buying television season passes from iTunes, you might want to check with other folks to find out if the seasons meet your particular preferences.

I hope this isn’t a trend, if it is I’ll go back to purchasing seasons on Blu-ray.