It’s that time of the month

No! It’s not what you’re thinking. Pigs!

It’s the time of the month when I cycle all the batteries in my devices.

IMG 1065I run the phone, pad, computer, watch, and finally the Goal Zero down to nothing then recharge ‘em. 

Right now my Watch, Computer, Pad and headphones are recharging from the Goal Zero so I’m almost at the end of the cycle.

It’s funny though because one of the things I worry about while I’m doing this… What happens if the house power goes out?

Silly, I know. It’s happened before, once. In that case I broke out all the big solar panels and was able to keep things running. 

It’s funny when I think about it, the time of year most likely to lose power here, is Winter. Rarely is the power outage attributed snow or a severe storm. Almost always it’s because a skier’s snowboard was better prepared than the vehicle that was taking them to the slopes.

They lose control on the icy road, take out a power pole and plunge the whole town into darkness. The last time it happened, we were without power for 36 hours. The power company simply couldn’t get the appropriate equipment up the hill to make the repairs.

IMG 1064That alone should tell you the obvious. The skier from “Down Below” shouldn’t have been on the road in the first place because the storm was such a big deal the roads were being closed all the way down to the freeway. 

To top it off, the skier tried to sue the town for poorly maintained roads. He was laughed right out of the courtroom for two reasons. 1) He had bald tires, no chains  and 2) His friends testified that he’d been in a hurry to get to the slopes before the road closed.

Judge says… “You’re out of here! Please take your lovely parting gift from the clerk and I don’t want to see you, or your attorney in my court again.

It is nice to have CHP & Sheriff’s officers as neighbors. You get all the best gossip.

Nonetheless I guess it’s about being vulnerable. During this time If the power goes out I might find myself with dead equipment, at least until I’m able to get enough sun on the panels to power back up. 

Call it routine maintenance. As with any routine maintenance, you run the risk of causing bigger troubles. It’s a sunny day, so going solar wouldn’t be that big a deal. The plus side is that it’s about 35F outside so I wouldn’t have to worry about the battery packs overheating during charging.

I may break out the panels just to have the whole cycle “Green” it would give me something to do.

Oh yeah, gotta check the charge on the HAM radio too.

No, I’m not a “Prepper” but I do like being somewhat prepared.

Okay, off to handle some other things around the house. I’ll also continue the job search. 

I’ve gotten into the habit of blogging when I need a break from the frustration.

Have a great weekend