Hmm, Boycott!!!!

LOL! Folks are calling fror a boycott of Dove products because Dove has partnered with some morbidly obese woman who falsely claimed a fellow student at UVA said BLM should be run over. (That’s not the exact phrase but I’m using literary license otherwise this paragraph would be more tortured than it is.)

This is the face of Dove marketing to fat people.

Her name is Zyahna Bryant.

“This woman put another UVA student through hell, and it was all a woke lie. Shame on Dove for hiring her. Worse than Dylan Mulvaney,”  From a Twitter user…

“Dove Soap hired morbidly obese BLM hoaxer Zyahna Bryant for an ad campaign based around “fat liberation.” While a student at UV-Charlottesville, Bryant viciously ruined another student’s life by falsely claiming she joked about driving into BLM rioters.“ From another Twitter user.

The thing is, boycotting the Dove brand would actually be the second brand owned by Unilever that is being boycotted. Ben & Jerry’s is already in trouble with some folks.

I went to the Unilever site to see if there were any brands that I used. See, If I’m going to boycott someone… I’m gonna BOYCOTT them.

I don’t use Axe, Dove, or Ben & Jerry’s, but I need to watch what mayonnaise I buy or use.

It’s like Boycotting Bud Light… No, no, no, child…. You boycott all Anheuser-Busch products because otherwise they aren’t going to feel it.

Unfortunately, many brands are owned by relatively few multinational corporations. At some point you’re going to have to buy something from one of these corporations. I’ll tell you that their entire site has that “woke” feeling. If you’re serious about your boycotts turn the package around and look for this logo.

I’m not sure that I agree with boycotts in general, but I have to admit that the Anheuser-Busch boycott has really made a dent in their profitability.

Perhaps a similar boycott against the parent companies of woke brands is the only way to fight back.

For shits & giggles, I found that one of my cookbooks has a recipe for mayonnaise. Looks pretty darn simple… If it comes to it, I can always make my own! For the moment, there a couple other choices.

Thinking about Zyahna Bryant and her affiliation with BLM, It dawned on me that BLM & ANTIFA have gotten very quiet recently.

Isn’t that interesting?

Zyahna Bryant reminds me of very obese people within my own family they all used Dove soap. The all smelled bad because fat, and humidity in the Deep South lends itself to some nasty biological processes happening on sweaty skin surfaces. Yeasty Dove Soap smell is seared into my olfactory memory.

Seeing Zyahna Bryant, activates my scent memory and I gag. With her as the Dove spokesperson Unilever will never have to worry about me using their product.

Reportedly on Friday or Saturday she was concerned for her safety. Really? She’s too damn fat to be kidnapped. All she needs to do is sit her ass down and Hercules couldn’t move her. If she was worried about being shot, that’s not likely to happen from a legitimate media outlet asking for an interview.

For that matter, even the criminals running around with guns aren’t likely to be carrying an elephant gun so she’s safe.

Yeah, I’m being mean, but you know what? I’m sick to death of perpetual victims!

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