Ok, this month is flying by

Actually, this whole damn year has flown by and I feel like I haven’t accomplished a thing.

Since the other half died. I’ve been in a fog. It’s getting better but I’m nowhere near 100%. I’ve been nostalgic, and sad, and depressed, and now, I’m beginning to sense, if not actually see a light at the end of the tunnel. I can only hope that light is not the headlight of an oncoming train!

I have managed to consolidate all the photos from various devices into one photo library. At the moment there are 2000 duplicates but the number of original photos added was over 3000 so the exercise is worth the time.

I’ll admit looking at some of the photos is bittersweet. That’s much better than I’d have been only a few short months ago.

Here we are coming up on another anniversary of 9/11. Wow! So much has happened in the past year since the last anniversary, but when you expand focus to all that’s happened since 9/11.  it’s mind boggling.

This time last year I was planning to take a trip to FL to see my Mom. So much changes so fast. I made it to FL in time to enjoy Halloween and the silliness with the family. The other half was working or planning the High Holy Days, and preparing for an annual gig that he enjoyed playing immensely.

4 months later, he was gone. It still strikes me as weird. Something that I can’t quite wrap my head around. Logic and the rational me are fine with it but the emotional me is still working hard to come to grips with it. How can someone you’ve lived with for so long just be gone?

As I’ve looked at the imported photos there’s so much. Seeing the other half and myself in photos before 9/11 we were so very young and innocent. Our world made sense though, and we were happy. Seeing us before the house burned is strange, seeing photos of the house as it was, is weird too.

All of the photos together paint a picture of a life, happy, sad, good, & bad. Call it our “Fractured Fairytale”. The other half would love that description. He was a Bullwinkle and Rocky fan.

I woke this morning to gentle rain on the roof. I thought I’d get up to enjoy it even though I was restless all night and haven’t had nearly enough sleep. It’s one of those rare times when the rest of the human neighborhood is still asleep.

The sound of the natural world is calming for mw. Yes, even the squabbling of a couple of birds in the distance. Last night, I thought I heard an owl in the distance I don’t have enough experience with oils to know what kind it was. I know they make different sounds depending on variety. Nonetheless it was a treat since I’ve not heard owls in the area for at least a decade, I hope it stays. The hooting in the night, lets me know everything is normal.

This is a moment of peace and beauty. Once the humans wake up it will be shattered. Until then, I’m going to enjoy the natural sounds, watch the rain fall and enjoy my coffee.

I’ve found it ironic that some many people in the neighborhood beyond my little street are such “EcoWarriors” AKA “Eco Virture signalers”. Yet, for all their electric vehicles, and tut tutting about plastic bags, they’re the nosiest creatures. From the thrumming of their power tools and music to their loud talking, they create sound pollution all their waking hours.They’re also afraid of the dark because most of them leave their exterior lights on all night long. Light pollution is a real issue here.

The night is supposed to be dark.

I’m going to enjoy the quiet while I can. Happy Sunday.