Big Yawn!

Ohhh Georgia indicted Trump and a bunch of other people.

Bored now!

But I can say this, Georgia is completely off my list of potential states to move to. Not just because of this indictment, but because of Stacy Abrams, their crime & violence, and their tax structure.

Then you add this weak ass indictment, and guess what? Obviously, they don’t have any damn common sense either.

Even if I was to find a place well outside the Crime zones, how long would it be before some moron like Stacy Abrams got into office and did all the usual shit Democrats do? Increase Taxes; Income, Retirement, Property, Registration, and provide absolutely NOTHING in return for my dollars? I doubt I’ll live long enough for some moron in power to weaken all my constitutional rights, as California has managed to do. But I’d hate like hell to live to be 90 and find myself having to move at that age.

Georgia I never thought I’d see the day when you were as stupid as New York City. Yet here we are…

So, and I say this from the bottom of my heart. Georgia, aren’t you just precious?


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