Well California really has it all!

In addition to fires, earthquakes, blizzards, mudslides, Santa Ana winds, the occasional tornado, and floods.

California can boast a hurricane warning, fleeting as it was. The hurricane warning has devolved into a tropical storm warning and will likely lead to mudslides and flooding.

I’m not sure how fires would stand up to this amount of rain but we could still get a few tornadoes out of this too.

My family in Florida is laughing their butts off. They were snickering about how the news was portraying this Hurricane. They saw it was a Category 4 and thought perhaps there was some danger so they called or texted to ask.

I pointed out that this was not the first hurricane I’d seen, it’s not even the first I’ve seen in California.

Most of the hurricanes roll up the Gulf of California, or they come from the Pacific, cross the Baja peninsula and die in Mexico’s desert region. Their remnants then make their way north into AZ, NM, or TX.

The rare hurricane that reaches the top of the Gulf of California degrades rapidly from hurricane, to tropical storm, to just a lot of rain as it makes its way across the desert and dumps a lot of moisture across southern California. Sometimes the rain gets to NV, AZ and UT.

In other words, it’s no big deal.

This Storm formerly known as Hurricane Hillary. Is unusual because it didn’t roll into the gulf of California. Instead it’s heading up the Pacific side of Baja.

It doesn’t matter too much though. The Pacific starts cooling down pretty rapidly as you go North.

Hurricanes typically like warm water and get their energy from it. That’s why most of the hurricanes on the East coast tend to form near the equator and then swing north through the Caribbean. Warm shallow seas provide a lot of energy. Or so I’ve been told by friends who know a lot more about weather than I do.

With all this information in my head and looking to the South, there is an 8000 Ft. Mountain between me and the storm. I figured Hillary would fall apart into a tropical storm by the time it got to San Diego and we’d just get a lot of rain.

As of this morning that appears to be holding true. I’ll have to wait and see this evening if the predicted wind will kick up. The rain might also present a bit of a problem but honestly I think I’m in pretty good shape.

The wash is thus far handling the water.

It’s just wait and see.

There’s supposed to be more rain tomorrow. Then Sunshine for the rest of the week.

Seems like today is a good day to watch a movie or read a good book.