Did I miss a memo from God?

God & I have a relationship.

Right at the moment I’m a little angry at God but not so much that I’ve turned my back on him. He knows why I’m angry and that I have faith perhaps everything was, or will be, for the best.

I’m willing to acknowledge he knows more than I do. I’m sure that he’ll forgive me for being a bit angry because I can’t see the whole picture like he can. I’m also sure he’ll forgive my ignorance and demands for answers. Compared to God I’m a petulant child and like my Father used to do, God is probably sighing in a slightly annoyed way, but is not angry at me.

I think of God very much like a good Dad. I treat the relationship with God the same way.

So I am generally confused when I see or hear things like, “I prayed over whether I should purchase an ice cream cone,” or something equally insignificant.

I understand having God in all aspects of your life but come on, would you call your actual Father up 50 or 100 times a day to ask about trivial bullshit?

No. You call your Dad to ask about serious stuff. “Hey Dad, I think I’m in love and want to get married. What do you think?  You’ve met ‘em.” Equally, I can see praying to God about getting married and asking for a little guidance on the question of, “Is this person the right person for me?”

That seems appropriate and I totally get it.

I’ve never thought of God as genie or Santa Claus. Even as a child somehow I knew that you only asked God for serious stuff. “God, please help Grandma get out of the hospital soon. I really miss her biscuits.”

(Yes… I did actually make that prayer as a child.) I’m fairly certain that God smiled at that childish, selfish prayer much the same way that my Father did tucking me into bed.

So when I see people saying they prayed over this, that, or the other trivially stupid thing, all the damn time I find myself wondering if they’re serious or just virtue signaling. I honestly don’t know, and am trying to refrain from rushing to judgement.

If these people are actually praying like this over any stupid thing, then I feel sorry for God. How many people are doing this all day every day? Even God has his limits. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? How about the flood? Yeah what happens when God finally has enough of the whining and bitching and flings the planet into the sun for a 5 minute cleansing.

My Dad used to joke that if I didn’t behave, he could give me away and make another one just like me, who would behave properly.

With God… He could actually do it!

So all you bible thumpers out there. Y’all keep on preaching,  but how about not clogging the heavenly switchboard or voicemail with moronic shit?

There are some folks trying to get through with really important stuff. You know like, “God, should I marry this person? God, could you please help Russia and Ukraine tone it down a little bit?”

Most importantly, “Hey God, could you give me a little help making Grandma’s biscuits, I just can’t get ‘em quite right.”

How about all of us just thank God for another day and give him a break?

I really want to know…

It figures!

I decide that I need to retire because what’s the point of continuing to bang my head against the impenetrable wall of automated HR practices and hey, I can actually collect social security.

It  isn’t going to be enough for me to keep my house and pay my credit card bills but it will allow mw to have some time to deal with settling my other half’s affairs.

Turns out that I can still take a part time job (if I can get hired) and as long as I don’t make more than 17K It won’t affect my social security check.

All is well… or so I think!

I just got my first regular SS check. “Cool,” I think, “At least something is working.”

But then I start hearing about the debt ceiling. Yeah we’ve all heard about this before… The government is spending more money than they’re taking in and one party or the other party is bitching and whining about money being spent or money not being spent and the national debt.

I swear to God. I’d really LOVE seeing all those assholes in congress cut off from their wealth for a year. I’d love to see them have to actually live within a real budget, pay their bills like average Americans, and I’d like to see their income for that year be adjusted to the median income that the rest of America has to live within. Oh, and tank their credit ratings and reduce their credit limits.

I can tell you this, none of them would be living in their fancy Georgetown Apartments or Condos.

Suddenly, although I guess it’s not so sudden and certainly isn’t surprising given the way this administration has been spending,  there is the possibility that the government will default on their payments.

That also means they could decide to default on Social Security checks. I’m thinking if they do, then all bets are off!

I don’t feel that I have to pay taxes, I don’t feel that I have to answer to those assholes about anything. I’d bet that there’s a lot of other Americans who feel exactly the same way.  If we’ve learned anything over the past few years it’s that Feelings supplant actual reality and I wonder if the courts would come down on my side or the IRS. Okay I wondered for 1/2 of a second.

If I sell this house, I want to fucking REFUSE to pay capital gains. The IRS and the federal government can suck my dick!

You see if it comes to me eating, or paying taxes… I’ll  eat.

I thought Social Security was our government sponsored and secured retirement savings program. We’ve been forced to pay into it our whole damn working lives. So I think a legitimate question for our lawmakers will be…


Amplified by millions and millions of angry citizens.JoeBidenDuh

I suppose now we know why the Biden Administration wanted 87,000 armed IRS agents. They plan to rob us at gunpoint.

The other question I have to ask is this.

If the US can’t fucking pay their bills or pay the citizens they promised to pay via social security, then how the hell are they expecting to pay for all the folks preparing to cross the border when Title 42 ends?

It’s a legitimate question isn’t it?

Somebody is gonna foot the bill.

I’ll tell you what, if the folks swarming the border get food. clothing, medical, and all kinds of services while American retirees are going hungry or without their medications, then I think the government should be called to account.

If that means dragging Joe Biden’s raggedy ass in front of the Justice Department along with his staff that has led us to this particular disaster then so be it.

I highly doubt the Justice department will be involved because;

When Grandma loses her house and dies because she couldn’t afford cat food, her rent, and her medications. When welfare is cut off and folks dependent on those funds to feed their families go hungry… That’s the day when you’ll see a real insurrection, and this time it will be with guns, rocks, bricks, pitchforks, firebombs, and anything else people can get their hands on.

I strongly suspect that the police, and the military will do nothing to stop it. After all, at that point they’re not being paid either!

Simply put, on that day the abject failure of our leadership for decades will be laid bare and the American people will not be looking for excuses or platitudes they’re going to be looking for asses to hang on the wall.

Something that made me smile…

In preparation for possibly selling the house, I’ve been cleaning closets.

The other half, God rest his soul was a heck of a packrat and had a habit of saving all kinds of paperwork in boxes, backpacks, shopping bags, and disused briefcases. Each one of which I must now open and determine from which epoc the paperwork within belongs.

That’s enough fun and I have found a lot of very strange things. I’ve also happened upon a treasure trove of CDs all of them classical music and none of them digitized. I’m at a complete loss as to why this would be. The resources to digitize and store all of his music on his computer, ipad, iphone or whatever were available. For some reason it just never got done and to the best of my knowledge I was never asked to do it or help. 

It’s one of those questions I’ll have to ask him when I see him next. I do hope that I can call him to the gates of heaven to chat for a moment or two before I’m put on the express elevator to hell. I doubt they’ll allow phonecalls between the two places and the long distance charges would be outrageous even if such calls were allowed.

Another part of cleaning out the closets has been dealing with the porn collection. There are quite a few videos we accumulated over the years. After the fire, we replaced a lot of what we originally owned on VHS tapes with DVDs or BluRays. As technology advanced and porn houses started offering their movies digitally I allocated a chunk of space on our server to store movies. I’ve also transferred many movies to the server, so that they are available on demand on virtually any device with a screen in the house.

As I was sorting movies from the shelf in the closet, I noticed a number of titles were not on the server and were not available for download from the production houses. So while going through the heartwrenching task of sorting or trashing things from boxes, bags, etc. I also began moving videos to the server. Once the DVD is on the server, I’ve been boxing them for storage and transport. 

This process has gone quite well. After moving the videos to the server, I decided to do a little quality check and so I told a player application to play the videos. I wasn’t watching them actively, I was spot checking as I walked something to the trash or checked on the dog.

The Dog will only allow me about an hour before he brings a ball in and drops it loudly next to my foot.

Anyhow, between laundry, sorting paperwork and the dog demanding that I play, I completely forgot about the videos playing on the TV in the bedroom. The volume was low and I was distracted. I’d returned to the front bedroom closet concentrating on the mountain of paperwork and odd bits & pieces of stuff collected over the past 13  years or so. 

I would ocassionally hear a voice, but couldn’t make it out, and thought that it was coming from outside the house. (The weather is nice so it’s routine for the crazy woman and her crazy man to be screaming at each other, one in the house and the other in the yard. Everytime they start up I first imagine an episode of COPS and then tune them out.)

Several hours pass as I’m digging through paperwork, playing with the dog, and tossing stuff into the recycle bin. During all this time I’ve been hearing voices and simply assumed it was the neighbors then cursed their classless nature under my breath…

Until one of the performers in a movie had a particularly loud orgasmic release.

Then I remembered the videos were playing in the other bedroom and found myself taking back all the unkind things I’d been thinking and muttering about the crazy neighbor and her mate.

So, Note to self, turn the volume up so I can hear the video playing the the other room, or turn the volume down and be happily surprised when I walk into the bedroom and see the porn is still running.

And now I’m off to throw the ball for the dog once again. I can’t deny him, but do think he’s mastered distracting me from the tasks that I need to accomplish.

You’ve got to be kidding!

I swear, will Winter never end?

I woke up to a couple of inches of snow this morning. All I can think is, “it figures,” I had something that I needed to do today aside from shovel snow.

I knew when I put the snow shovel away earlier in the week, that I was probably doing bad juju, but come on it’s May!

You know, spring flowers… Come to think of it, the Apple tree was covered in new buds and the mountain lilacs were blooming as well. I have no idea what this is going to do to all those plants.

I’ll admit, it’s kinda pretty.

Even Jesse is over winter. I let him out this morning and he pranced around a little, then came back inside. He’s asleep on the couch now after talking to me about the snow outside. I assume he’s telling me that he’s done with it too. He’s been losing his winter coat so it might be that he’s just underdressed for the weather.

It looks like the sun is trying to poke through so I might not have to shovel, it’s 35° and rising. Perhaps I’ll sit here and appreciate the “Specialness” of this snow.

Looking at the temps for the last 8-10 hours I’m surprised it snowed at all, much less accumulated. I’d have thought this would be rain. I guess I’ll call it a magical storm and appreciate it for it’s uniqueness.

I’ll also be thankful that Jesse’s grooming appointment is next week. This is going to make a muddy mess.

It’s one of those days

It started yesterday. I was just suddenly inexplicably sad. I know that grieving is a process, but I’d really like to hurry it along a bit.

I’ve been trying to write but the words just don’t want to come. So I thought, “Just look for a job.”

That might have been a mistake, but then again it’s also something that must get done. Technically I shouldn’t have done that until Thursday when it’s supposed to be snowing again. Really more snow? I’m so over it, I was enjoying the nice 70°F temps and sunshine.

Oh well…

As I was looking for a job, It occured to me that all I need is a part time position paying minimum wage. So I started looking for simple things. I noticed a position at a Gym less than 20 miles away. I thought, “Hey, I could do that.” I started looking through the position then I saw this ESG thing. 

Normally I don’t think about ESG but they were making it kind of a big deal and it seemed really important to them. The more I read, the more the ESG subject seemed to matter. 

It led me to wonder if my having little to no opinion or concern about ESG would be a problem. I mean would I be expected to praise or worship at the alter of ESG when I don’t necessarily believe in it?

I applied anyway. I know there’s a lot to be said for social justice and all of that, but I’m not radical about it and honestly I don’t think it’s one of the things that should be first and foremost when it comes to employment. I’ve always agreed that we hire the best person for the job regardless of their racial origin or whatever.

There was something about ESG being so prominant in the company web site that made me uncomfortable. We’ll see if my weird feeling about it was justified, if I get called for an interview.