Hmm, But… I thought Fauci was The Science.

I noticed a couple of things this week that were interesting to me.

One was the publication of Dr. Scott Atlas M.D. book A Plague Upon Our House. In the portion that I’ve read Dr. Atlas appears to be detailing the beginnings of the Covid response in the waning days of the Trump Administration.

Dr. Atlas was there, and is not complementary of Drs. Fauci, Collins, or Brix. It might be easy to dismiss the book as sour grapes. I’d almost done just that…

Then I saw this article from The Citizens Journal in Ventura, CA. I’m not going to discuss the pedigree of The Citizens Journal. What caught my attention was the emails received under The freedom of Information act.

There was an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal this morning about these same emails.

In the referenced emails, Collins makes reference to Atlas and something called The Great Barrington Declaration. I’d never heard of this declaration and had to go look it up. It’s linked below.

The Great Barrington Declaration looks like a well thought out alternative to shutting the entire country down. Some in the media have referred to this as a “Let ‘er rip” approach but that is not entirely accurate.

The Barrington Declaration says focus on the vulnerable, target our resources towards those most at risk and when a vaccine is developed then we’ll address the larger population who are less likely to develop severe symptoms.

This is sort of the way basic triage works and triage methods have been in use for at least 100 years.

So we have two differing medical opinions.

Usually, in science that would cause a debate between the scientists. The ensuing discussion is supposed to lead to a plan that while not perfect (because perfect is an illusion), skews toward the best outcome. Implicit in this discussion is the ability to detect what is not working as well as hoped and seek a better answer.

Why is it then, that Collins, and Fauci, appear to be trying to shut down the discussion and moreover why are they seeking to discredit the Doctors who have differing opinions?

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, would appear to have the kinds of expertise and reputations that would be exactly what you’d want during a viral pandemic. Yet Drs. Fauci and Collins attempt to smear these people as “fringe” scientists.

The list of Barrington cosigners is impressive and appear to be composed of other working scientists in the fields of genetics, immunology, infection disease, and all the rest of biomedical science, are they too “Fringe” scientists?

Or are they the kind of people that would have demanded access to the research going on in the Wuhan lab to determine what they were dealing with? I personally think these folks would have been the people that could say with authority that COVID originated naturally or artificially, and then with that knowledge, been able to come up with solutions.

It would seem to me that since the pandemic is by definition, a world wide event. You’d have welcomed every single medical professional with relevant knowledge into the battle against the disease. What strikes me is that Collins and Fauci not only didn’t do that, but they appear to have tried to smear these people and discredit their research and opinions.

The other oddity is that most all of these so called “Fringe” scientists are actually working Doctors, with labs and resources. Whereas Collins and Fauci are bureaucrats that haven’t seen a patient or darkened a laboratory door in 20 years.

Then you add to it that Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL appears to have followed the Great Barrington Declaration in his state, and FL appears to have had a better outcome. Gov. DeSantis’s video roundtable discussing Barrington was removed in April of 2021 by YouTube as misinformation, in another blatant example of censorship.

Even if Collins and Fauci were simply caught up in their dogma, they had at least one example demonstrating that Barrington was viable. Yet they persisted in their approach refusing to incorporate what was being learned from Florida’s example.

I’m sorry Dr. Fauci, that’s not how science works and by extension you are not The Science.

Thinking along these lines with the recent disclosures that Fauci’s organization may in fact have funded gain of function research in Wuhan it begs the question:

Were Dr. Collins and Dr. Fauci trying to hide their gain of function grants at the cost of millions of lives around the world?

The last thing you’d want if you were trying to hide your involvement in such a thing, is every single researcher on the planet looking through documentation that could point the finger at you.

In that light, the denials and absolute declaration that COVID-19 originated naturally therefore discrediting the lab leak theory (at least temporarily) makes perfect sense. Especially since those declarations were made within a month or two of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic.

In research, a month or two is blindingly fast. At the time, even as Fauci was telling the world a lab leak was an impossibility I was asking, “How can you know that, this soon?”

Much as I am loath to spend more time and money in congressional hearings. Here again I find myself thinking that there are certainly enough questions that should be answered by Fauci and Collins to justify hearings.

If those hearings were to uncover a preponderance of evidence that Collins and Fauci were at or near the heart of this worldwide event, I’m for both of them to be remanded to an international court to stand trial for crimes against humanity.

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