Okay, I’m done with this year.

Let’s get this 2022 party started!

As we count down to the New Year, I often try to think of things I’m thankful for from the previous year.

The list this year is pitifully small. In 2020 it’s a, “What List?” situation, so I guess 2021 has been marginally better. I’m kind of worried that 2022 is going to be a sucky year too.

I’m thinking that we’re going to have to put up with a full year of really crappy politics running up to the 2022 election. No matter which party comes out on top, we’re no doubt going to have endless recounts.

The way it looks now, (although it could change,) people are dissatisfied enough with the Democrats in Congress that they’re likely to be voted out. This would effectively kneecap the Biden Administration and lead no doubt, to endless squabbling and nothing getting done for another two years. AGAIN!

While everyone is gearing up for the circus of various elections, the Jan 6th Committee will continue on without actually doing anything, except issuing subpoenas. Those subpoena’s will be fought in court wasting millions in taxpayer dollars and bankrupting supposed members of Trump’s inner circle. That in itself is unfair punishment and very probably the point of issuing the subpoenas in the first place. Especially if the person happens to be innocent, this way they’re punished anyway and their families. Reminds me of a certain biblical king who killed the firstborn male child of every Jewish Family.

Honestly at this point I think the Jan 6th committee should just open with, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican Party?” They can follow that up with, “Have you ever stayed at a Trump hotel, attended a Trump rally, agreed in any way with Trump, worked for Trump, spoken his name, have you ever been in Washington DC or communicated with anyone in Washington DC, or believed at any time that The Constitution of The United States was valid?”

Their next statement should just be, “We find you guilty… of whatever!”

I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they pulled up all the ballots for Trump and just imprisoned everyone that voted for him instead of Biden. It would be simpler and save everyone a lot of time, money, and aggravation. That seems to be where they’re heading anyway.

Yes, I’m annoyed by the whole thing.

I’d be a lot happier if they’d stop “fishing” and focus on the primary suspects, then branch out to other suspects as the evidence led them. In my opinion what we’re seeing right now looks a lot less like a search for truth, and a lot more like the old Soviet Style destruction of political enemies.

If they’ve got a valid point they should make it, if not, then shut up and get back to the work they were elected to do. I’m totally sick and tired of Trump witch hunts. What have we had, 5, 6 years of this mind numbing bullshit?

Trump was impeached TWICE, both times big nothing burgers. Now he’s supposedly at the heart of a plot to overthrow the United States? If he’s SOOOOO dangerous why the fuck isn’t he sitting in a prison cell? Why are there a bunch of other people sitting in prison cells denied due process?

I’m not looking forward to the continuing follies of the Jan 6th committee in any way. The bunch of them should be slapped like the three stooges, then disbanded. Although I’d tune in to C-SPAN to watch someone slap ’em all. Yeah, I often have C-SPAN open on my computer.

It’s a great way to see and hear what’s happening real time in a variety of hearings. It’s also a great way to understand why so little gets done in Congress. These people spend more time bloviating and self aggrandizing than they do asking germane questions.

One of these days there’s going to be someone like me testifying who’ll interrupt some congressman thanking them for their appearance for the 20th time and that person will say, “Yeah congressman, I’m here because you demanded my presence, threatened my livelihood, and my family, so stop with the bullshit thanking me and get to your fucking point!”

The other scenario that would have me rolling on the floor laughing would be where the congressman spouts on, and on, monologging without asking a question. I’d love to see the witness interrupt and ask, “Uh do you need me for this? I’ve got other places to be and you aren’t asking a question.”

I’d pay to see either one!

I’ve loved watching Rand Paul tearing Fauci a new asshole every single time he’s appeared. I miss Trey Gowdy in hearings. I’m happy that he’s doing something he likes doing, but I loved him being a bad ass lawyer when he was asking questions in Congressional hearings. I didn’t always agree with him, but damn, he earned my respect. I’d hire him as my attorney anytime! Rand Paul and Trey Gowdy tearing at Fauci and Collins would be an epic pay per view event.

In the new year I’m going to try to ignore the “news,” more so than I have this year.

I am going to be listening to the actual hearings more. I’m hoping that the Jan 6th committee starts broadcasting everything on C-SPAN, I doubt very much that they will.

I’ll be watching what they do broadcast with interest. I can hardly wait to see their evidence of a plot. If there was a plot, I’d like to understand what that was, how it came to be, and who were its architects. If there wasn’t actually a plot, I’m sure that Adam Schiff will present some really interesting faked slides with out of context quotes that can be debunked. Again.

(Adam, FYI, your most recent “text message” fake was poorly done. Everyone knows what a real text message looks like. If you’d like assistance faking text messages, graphics, or evidence, I’m available, and I work fairly cheap. BTW I am a pure capitalist who’s been forcibly unemployed for a long while, I could use the money. I don’t have to agree with you or even like you…)

(I’m also available for hire to the defendants in the Jan 6th probe. If I can make fakes, I’m gonna be good at spotting and debunking them.)

Hey, a man’s gotta eat! I’ll work for the highest bidder! Go Capitalism!!!