Well, my car is finally coming home.

Meh, So what?

IMG 1159Between the insurance fiasco, and the expense to repair it I’m not sure that I’ll be as in love with it as i was.

As a side bonus, It will be done in time for me to sit in New Years Eve traffic coming up the mountain. Thrilling! Yea!

And it’s gonna cost me 2000.00 out of pocket.That’s a lot of money. Even more so when you’re out of work.

But on the bright side I’ll be able to open my garage without parking, tromping up the stairs, opening the garage, tromping back down stairs, and pulling into the garage. Now to get some proper chains for it for the season…

IMG 1164This is going to probably result in my changing insurance companies. My current company is not the company that they used to be.

Of course I’ll be taking pictures (A LOT of pictures) when I pick it up. That way I’ll have proof that the car was repaired properly and if there’s a problem… The next insurance company, BMW Financial, and anyone else who’d need to know will not have the ability to say something didn’t happen when I said it did.

IMG 1176Note: I might be a good idea to take completely panoramic pictures when you first get a car, to document the condition the vehicle is in before you take it out on the road. Just as a protection against your insurance company trying to shirk their responsibility. Remember, they’re for profit companies.

Second Note: If you’re dealing with medical insurance companies tell them noting more than they need to know. They’ll put anything you mention to your doctor into your files and try to call those things pre-existing conditions. While they can’t necessarily deny you insurance these days, they CAN up the rates to “Cover these conditions” to the point that they’re more expensive than your mortgage payment. Again, they’re for profit companies.

Contrary to popular belief… NOTHING IS FREE!


Okay, my car is home in the garage. It looks good even though it had a bit of a nose job.

For what it’s worth… It put a smile on my face when I saw it. 

Even more so when I got in and drove it away.

The only down side is that they had to power it down completely so it had to be reprogrammed. Which means that all my personal settings were lost too. Ah Well, I’ll have to spend some time setting everything back up. The seat settings in particular, ever noticed that when you get your car back from the shop the seat is never comfortable for at least a day or two?

So happy new year I’m turning off the lights, locking the door and going into hibernation. 

Hopefully 2020 will be a better year.

Sometimes you get involved because it’s necessary…

In the process you see things that you wouldn’t have normally and you learn things.

Case in point.

Hotel Cleaning staff have a tough job. When you walk into that shiny clean hotel room take a moment to think about the cleaning.  The bed linens will typically be clean, the bathroom is clean and everything is to some kind of specification set by the hotel.

That’s a lot of work and the cleaning staff does a lot of lifting & toting. You don’t fully appreciate what they do because you as an individual don’t clean on the same scale. I personally hate making beds. Lifting mattresses and fighting with sheets that invariably poorly fit the mattress make it all the tougher. Either the fitted sheet is too deep for the mattress or the fitted sheet won’t stay on the mattress because it’s too shallow. 

Either way you’re fighting to get the sheets on the mattress and it’s akin to putting a condom on a pissed off rhino.

Note to sheet manufacturers, there has to be a better way…  Note to mattress makers, If you’re making a King Size pillow top mattress how about putting some indents in the super thick area under the pillowtop as catch points for sheets that don’t have a depth of 24” ? Just a thought…

I learned just how much work is involved in hotel maintenance, over the weekend because I offered to help a buddy with an Air B&B rental. He needed to be out of town and he also had people checking in. I said sure, “I’ll take care of it”.

Cleaning a two bedroom one bath cabin in three hours is a heck of a task. I’ve never cleaned my own home in that short a period of time. I learned that you need a plan and you need to execute to the plan. No variation, no breaks you gotta move and if the place you’re cleaning is unfamiliar the task is even harder. I missed my 3 hour window I did it in 3:45. Well Shit! I wasn’t wasting any time I was in motion without break for 3:45.

I’ll grant you I might not have been moving my fastest…

The reason for that was a trip to the ER the night before. 

Nope I wasn’t hurt but one of the people living in the cabins I was there to clean, slipped on some ice and broke their arm, severely.  This is a person who’s at least late 60’s and has other health issues. Okay, as a human being, you can’t leave someone hurting and unable to get up, laying on the ice. But I thought about it…

Damn my upbringing. I was built to protect! I could no more walk away than I could stop breathing.

Sooo, I get the person up, immobilize the arm as best I could, and get them into the car.

My loaner car… The one with no chains on the tires… The car that made it up the mountain while temps hovered above 34F but it’s now 27F and the streets are cold enough that they’re icing over.


To the persons credit, and also as a way for me to note if they have a concussion they were able to give me concise directions to the hospital ER. (I was in another mountain town and don’t know my way around very well.) As a side “bonus”, with the situation being what it was, I left the house I was staying at without my glasses. I only realized that, when I noticed I couldn’t read the street signs and we were two blocks away. (Sigh.)

We walked into the ER to complete pandemonium. The place was as packed as the local restaurants with longer wait times. I had my phone, the person had their phone and ID.

So we check in, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

Emergency Rooms do not work on a first come first served basis. They work on a triage system meaning that the level of need dictates how fast you get served. Broken bones that are not bleeding are lower on the priority list than heart attacks.

This ER waiting room was full of people that were coughing & hacking up who knows what, One guy was coughing up blood… great! One kid had a concussion and was vomiting, A pregnant woman appeared to be in early labor. Several people were brought in on gurneys and all I wanted was to go to sleep. We arrived at 9:30PM. The person I brought in was seen at 11:30PM. Xrays were taken and it was determined that the arm was broken in several places. You know it’s bad when a doctor describes a break as, “it’s a mess in there.”

12:45, I’m hoping for the person to be admitted and I can go to sleep. Nope! There’s no beds available, and surgery is needed to repair the break. However since there are no beds, The ER decides to cast the arm, pending review of the X-rays by an orthopedic specialist.

I head back out to the waiting room. I sit down in the only seat available across from a black woman. She’s sitting next to a well dressed black man and they’ve been there since we came in. She’s looking at me with daggers. 

I’m not sure why she’s apparently angry with me, I can understand that she’d be angry in general sitting and waiting for such a long time.

Eventually it occurs to me that she might be thinking, “white privilege,” since we arrived later than her, and yet we were seen before her. I’m tired, thirsty, and hungry (the vending machines were not working).

So I’m starting to get just a little annoyed at the angry glare. I finally say, “ The person I brought in is late 60s, fell on some ice, couldn’t get up, and I don’t know them. They’ve got a really bad broken arm, and apparently some other health issues, but since I couldn’t leave them laying on the ice, I’m here. How’s your day going?” The evil glare stopped. Her friend said something to her in another language and she went back to looking at her phone. Racist much lady?

3 AM, 19F, 3 Helicopter landings later, I’m in the car warming it up. I have no idea if the loaner is configured for these temps, at my house it’s in the garage but here it’s out in the open.

I’m trying to keep the engine warm enough from residual heat so that I don’t have another problem. I’m also tired of sitting in what is clearly a germ ridden petrie dish, I figure the cold air will do me good and maybe sterilize my sinuses and outer surfaces. Probably a false hope but hey, I needed some hope.

3:30 AM My charge is getting into the car and we’re heading back to the cabins.

I fall asleep sometime around 4:30.

9:30 AM I wake up, get a shower and start the day. I’m not hungry, and I’m working on things to hopefully make the tasks ahead easier. I’m exhausted, what sleep I got was not enough for me to fully recharge.

I manage to get the rental cabin cleaned up but I took too long, I gotta get better at doing that.

A couple of times during the day I tried to check on the person with the broken arm. They didn’t answer their door and once I was done with the cleaning and new guest check in, I tried again.

Still no answer, okay now I’m getting worried. But rather than pounding on the door, I grabbed my snow shovel and started working on the ice that had caused the problem in the first place. I figured me banging around in front of the house chipping ice away would be enough noise that it would attract attention.

Having cleared the ice flow, I texted my friend asking if he’d heard from the person. 

The answer was yes, and that I hadn’t checked on them. Uhhh no, they hadn’t answered the door. I head back over and voila now the door is unlocked and they’re responding. I take the dog that is partly responsible for the whole fiasco outside & tend to their food and water. 

And then as one last favor, I end up driving to the CVS to drop off an RX. Then I come back to the cabin and seriously consider just staying the night. But I figure my friend is going to be exhausted, if it were me I’d not want to have to be a good host. I do the dishes, and clean up the place so he can come home and just crash.

I creep down the mountain behind the skiers who are out of their damn minds. I buzz across the lowlands and come back up to my mountain. I make it up and into my driveway at 9:30PM and I’m more tired than I’ve been in a long time. I’m pretty much just running on autopilot. 

I eat something, watch an episode of Archer and hit my bed.

I’m asleep within seconds and don’t wake for 9 hours.

So What have I learned?

Hotel Staff should always be treated with kindness and courtesy.

You have to help people even when it’s the last thing you want to do.

Skiers and Snow players are unbelievably dumb, I saw people on the way up the mountain on Saturday afternoon allowing their kids to get out in traffic, play in the snow, then run to catch up to their vehicle when traffic moved. Aside from the stench of dead bodies in the spring, perhaps we should allow Darwinian rules to apply.

Happy Day after Christmas

The Formerly Clear DeckAlthough I should be calling it The Day After Which I’ll be watching later today.

As predicted, the storm front came in and has been dumping snow since about 10PM last night, Thus far it has not let up, and probably won’t until sometime tomorrow.

I haven’t begun clearing anything because it’s almost pointless. The snow plows haven’t been up the main street and until they come through no-one is going anywhere.

On the plus side there won’t be any skiers up today. They’re all sitting on the I-15 waiting to be turned around and sent home or over to Big Bear. That is, if Big Bear has their roads cleared.

Right now my town is cut off. Can’t get to the freeway, and even the back ways out of town are closed. I’m not even sure I could hike to the center of town right now with the drifts as high as they are.

The furthest I've been outside So it’s a hot chocolate snooze on the couch kind of day. 

On a somewhat amusing note. Some new neighbors moved in and apparently weren’t told that we live on a private street. That means they didn’t know that they were going to be responsible for digging themselves out of the snow if they had to go somewhere.

We’ll see how long they last…

One family didn’t even think to buy snow shovels. I guess they figured they were buying a house in Disneyland where everything would be magically done for them.

Muhahahah! Welcome to reality!

In truth we do help each other out, but the look on the new neighbor’s face was really funny when we dropped the bomb on ‘em. I loaned them a couple of spare shovels.

I refrained from saying, “Now get to work.”

I was tempted but didn’t. I guess they’re from Los Angeles. They were freaked out enough.

On the plus side, they probably paid too much for their new house and that means my property value went up. 

Stay warm & safe. If you don’t have to be out on the roads stay home. You can shop tomorrow.

Merry Christmas

WebCardBaby! It’s COLD outside.

Our Christmas is white, the air is crisp and clear. The sun is just peaking over the mountains and it’s spectacular.

It’s 24 F and rising.

I slept late and am enjoying my first cup of coffee. I never thought I’d be “that” guy but when I woke up, I grabbed my phone and told it to tell the thermostat to raise the temp in the house to something above 50F. Then I waited warm under the covers until the house was in the 60s.

This time of year the neighbors don’t have to worry about looking in my windows and seeing me heading naked to the coffee pot. I’m in clothes the minute I’m out of bed. Cold tile on your feet wakes ya up like nothing else.

I’d really like a “connected” coffee pot. One that I could control from the phone like the thermostat. I’d like to tell Siri, “Good Morning” and have the house warming and coffee brewing when I decide to haul my carcass out of bed.

Maybe I’ll hit the after Christmas sales and see if anyone makes a device like that.

There’s another storm supposedly on the way. There’s supposed to be another 6” of snow and that’s okay. Maybe I’ll make a naughty snowman in the front yard or something. 

I hope everyone is safe and having a Merry Christmas. My plan is to have a quiet one, watching movies, and being a pig.

Merry Christmas to all.

Happy Christmas Eve

In the interest of peace on Earth and Good Will toward Men (Women, Other, Confusing Pronouns) I suggest that we put aside politics, social (whatever this is called) and put on our pretty clothes to enjoy the season with people we love and who love us.

Let Aunt Edna make whatever pronoun choices she’s able to make. Let Uncle Rudy get a little tipsy and talk about whatever craziness he’s on about this year.

Don’t waste your time annoying them by correcting their gaffes. Call it a Christmas Present to them. Allow your Mom & Dad to have a “traditional” couple of days without adding to family strife. 

Take a step back, put down your protest signs and social warrior agendas and take a breath.

Your families love you regardless of what you wear, how you identify, which bathroom you want to use, or what your political stance is. Turn off the news, put down your phone and actually be with the people you’ve chosen to spend the holiday with. Have a drink, tell a joke, go to the traditional family church service. Eat well and be present and accepting of your loved ones.

In other words, take a break from all the insanity of the world for a day or four. Watch  family movies together.

In my family there’s been a tradition of watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas“, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas“, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation“, “Die Hard” (Yeah, I know Bruce Willis says it’s not a Christmas Movie), “The Bishops Wife“, “Donovans Reef“, “Operation Petticoat”, “A Christmas Story”, and we’ll often end Christmas Day with “Lethal Weapon” or “Alien” (Don’t ask!)

GiftsWe eat leftovers, make popcorn, have beer, watch a few games, and enjoy each other. The children are running around with their new toys, and the technologically proficient among the assembled family members are setting up toys and new devices for the youngsters.

All this is Joyful chaos and it’s as much what isn’t said, as what is. Car keys are exchanged among the men and we take each other’s cars for spins around the neighborhood. We’re all comparing and contrasting the features of vehicles and there’s joy in the camaraderie. 

In my youth, this family gathering moved from home to home. At some point in the festivities, one by one, the men drifted out to the garage. Then magically, things that needed to be fixed at the host home were fixed. Timers, circuit breakers, pool filters, sprinkler systems, painting, stucco, you name it.

The projects that took time, get handled by the men because that’s how we showed each other we care. Many hands make light work.

Even today, each of our “Tribe” brings our respective skills to the table and give the gift of those skills or our hands. The  children, intrigued by what the fathers, grandfathers, and uncles are up to come out to “help” in the process they learn how to do some of these things for themselves.

By default, the host homes were more often the elder members of our family. So for them, gatherings were a double gift. They got to have the whole family under one roof and the chores that they had a tough time completing got done without fuss and without asking.

These are the things I count as blessings of not coming from an “affluent” family. We valued each other and understood actions could be expressions of love and caring.

My family is smaller now. Many of the elders aren’t with us and my generation is becoming the elders. The difference is that we’re spread all over the country and don’t get together as often as we should.

It occurred to me that we often “create” families where ever we are. I miss the family gatherings. Maybe it’s time for my family traditions to be expanded and “rebooted”.

Maybe if we all brought the best of our family traditions to our communities we could spread a little joy that would last through the year.

Well, I’ve dug the snow out from in front of my neighbors homes. (They weren’t home when the storm hit) They’ll have a easy drive to their homes when they get back.  

I’m thinking some fresh baked cookies might be a nice touch for the holidays…

I hope your time with your loved ones is a time of making good memories and showing them that you love them. We all need to know we’re loved.